Page 62 of Forbidden

I appreciated Zoe shifting the conversation to one I could handle talking about. The rest of the evening, although more subdued than usual, was also filled with giggles, snacks, and lots of alcohol. Daddy didn’t care if we drank as long as we were safe at home. Although it helped to have my friends here, anxiety reared its head often. When it got to be too much, I would slip into my bathroom and listen to Cole’s voicemail. I wasn’t the type of person to pray, but I whispered one for Cole. I wasn’t sure I believed in it, but I figured at this point, it wasn’t going to hurt anything.

It was almost four in the morning when I finally drifted off to sleep, only to be awakened three hours later to Julia frantically banging on my bedroom door, then barging in.

“Shae, honey, wake up.”

I rubbed my bleary eyes, attempting to clear them. “What?” I groaned, trying to understand.

Zoe sat up in the bed next to me, her hair sticking up in every direction. “What’s wrong?” One by one, Isabel, Sibyl, and Dani popped up. They’d all crashed in sleeping bags on the floor.

“The girls need to go home. Vaughn will take them.”

“I don’t understand.” I pulled myself up to a sitting position, then my foggy brain cleared enough for me to realize that Julia would only be here for a few reasons. All of them included someone in our family being hurt.

“Cole?” I whispered, my hand flying over my mouth.

“King called me. They’re at Sacred Heart.” Julia gently squeezed my shoulder. “We need to hurry, Shae. Cole’s been shot.”


Iflung the blankets off me so fast I accidentally smacked Zoe in the nose.

“Is he okay? Is he even alive?” I choked on the sob that had lodged in my throat as I scrambled to piece it all together. “Shit, where’s my shoes and shorts?”

“King didn’t tell me anything else. Just to get our asses to the hospital.” Julia stood, moving out of my way. “As I said, Vaughn will take the girls home. I need to make sure they arrive safely since their drivers brought them over.”

Fearful eyes watched my every move as I located my clothes, dressed, then ran to the bathroom before I peed myself. I brushed my hair and teeth while I used the toilet.

The girls were dressed and packing when I returned. Zoe handed me my phone and hugged me. “Go. Keep us posted, and I love you.”

“Love you guys, too.” My heart slammed itself against my chest, and I darted out of the room, leaving them behind.

Nearly falling down the stairs, I frantically searched for Julia and Daddy, who were filling coffee cups and packing a few snacks while they waited for me.

“I’m ready. Let’s go.” I hurried to the garage door, then realized I wasn’t sure who was driving.

“Zayne will drive us, Shae. The Mercedes is waiting out front. You and Julia go, and I’ll lock up after the girls leave. I’ll meet you there.” Daddy kissed my forehead, his gaze full of pain and worry.

Julia grabbed her purse, gave me a large coffee, and we rushed outside. Zayne opened the back door for us, and we settled in quickly. Within seconds, Zayne was speeding down the driveway toward Division Street.

“Thank you, Zayne,” Julia said, taking my hand.

“Of course. If the family needs any food or drinks, I’m happy to make a run. Whatever any of you need, let me know.”

“That’s very kind of you and much appreciated.” Julia looked out the window, squeezing my fingers harder as the minutes passed.

I held my phone tightly, praying that I would hear Cole’s voice again. It was pure torture not to know how badly he was hurt.

Once Zayne parked in the garage, he escorted us to the main section of the hospital. An older lady at the front desk gave us directions to the surgery waiting room.

“I never knew this place was so big,” Julia said, hurrying as fast as she could to reach the elevator.

“Me, either.” It was the first time I’d ever been inside Sacred Heart, and I realized it would be easy to get lost. The idea of Cole not making it through surgery sent my pulse racing, and my breathing became erratic.

Zayne stepped into the elevator and pushed the third-floor button. He seemed to know his way around, which sucked for him.

The doors whooshed open, and Zayne stepped out, searching the area before we followed. Spotting King in the waiting area, I took off at full speed.
