Page 142 of Share Me

“Well,haven’tyouallhad an eventful day?” The doctor stood at the end of my bed, with her hands in her pockets. “You really had no idea?”

“None, I took a pregnancy test yesterday as I’ve put on a little bit of weight and I’ve been tired, but it was negative. I’ve had a period like clockwork every month. This last one was a bit lighter and my back hurt more, but other than that... I mean, I would never have gotten on a plane if I'd had any idea. Did I hurt her by not knowing?”

The doctor smiled. “No. She seems healthy. It’s rare, but hidden pregnancies do happen.”

“Wouldn’t they have done a test when she had her car crash?” Marshall asked. “See it on the scan they did when she was brought in?”

“Not from her records. I mean, she was rushed straight into surgery, so it probably didn’t get done and she had an MRI. It can be hard to spot pregnancy in the first trimester if you’re not a specialist. They were trying to save Lea’s life, not look for a baby.”

I nodded, not believing she’d been inside me all that time, and I had no clue.

“It looks like baby is about 32 weeks and weighed in at three pounds twelve. She’s strong even though she’s little. We’ll want to keep an eye on her weight. It’s normal for them to drop a little bit over the first few days, but she doesn’t have a lot to lose so we might top her up with a tube feed or even formula, but we’ll talk to you before we do anything.”

Dawson pulled out his phone, choking out a cough. “The party in New Orleans…”

“Don’t tell me you have a calendar reminder of the night we got cursed,” Fox muttered, and the doctor gave us all a strange look.

Dawson shrugged as if we should expect nothing less. “It was 32 weeks ago.”

“Did we even have sex that night…” Marshall trailed off.

Fox laughed. “We got tattoos after we had a questionable mushroom drink, so it’s feasible we had sex and don’t remember that either.”

“I mean, it’s just an estimate. She might be further along than that, but she’s not any earlier. So maybe that was your conception date.”

“Maybe the universe wanted more than one way to keep us together,” I whispered as I stared down at where the blond-haired, green-eyed baby slept in a glass crib that the nurse had just wheeled in. She lifted her and handed her to me, placing her tiny body in my hands. And it hit me. She was mine, ours. We made her together. As she lay against the bare skin of my chest, her mouth started moving as if she wanted to feed. I looked to Marshall, who smiled, nodding. I shifted slightly, lowering her. Her tiny mouth latched onto my nipple, and she sucked hard as happy tears rolled down my face.

I listened to them from my half asleep state and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Lift her legs. That’s it. Now wipe… no, the other way, otherwise you’re going to get crap all over her girl bits.”

“Oh, God, how can someone so tiny crap so much?”

“Both of you, stop swearing right now. She can hear you. Do you want her first word to be crap?”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“I think I need you to stop calling me that. It’s not hot anymore… at least when little ears can hear.”

Fox laughed.

“Right, now take the diaper and put it under her. Then take those bits and pull them over, tight enough that it won’t fall off, but don’t hurt her.”

“I’m sweating. This is so stressful.”

“First diaper changed. Millions more to go.”

“I did it. See that Daddy is a rock star and a professional diaper changer. Can I pick her up?”

“You don’t need permission, Fox.”

“But what if I hurt her?”

“You want me to hand her to you?”

“Please, Muscles. If your giant hands can hold her, I have more confidence that I can.”

“Sit. Calm down. That’s it. Just hold her head and she’ll like being near your chest.”