Page 9 of Share Me

Fern put her coffee down. “I mean, I guess if you’re not into groups, then he probably wouldn’t be a great match.”

My cheeks flushed.

“You can tell me. I won’t judge. Promise.”

“I want someone who likes men. Who would share me with other men,” I admitted in a whisper. “Fox isn’t into guys.”

Fern let out a loud laugh. “You’re joking, right?” When I didn’t react, her face fell. “Oh God, you’re not joking. You think Fox is straight?”

“Isn’t he?”

“No, lovely. Fox is as bi or pan or fluid as they come. I’m not sure the exact term, but Fox definitely plays forallthe teams. You must have seen stories about him in the press.”

“I thought that was just PR. You know, make him seem available to everyone, so they’d sell more records.”

Her brows pinched as she continued to look at me with disbelief, so I tried to explain. “But him, Charlie and I… we hooked up for a while and he never touched Charlie.”

Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Charlie is straight, but Fox loves to share… with anyone.”

My mouth fell open.Could I have really got it so wrong?

“Is that why you’re not together? Why didn’t you just ask him?”

I took my glasses off, placing them on my new desk before lifting the coffee to my lips and taking a sip. “I thought what I wanted was extreme, and I didn’t want him to say yes just to make me happy… and then there’s the band to think about. I don’t want to get him into trouble with the label or the press.”

She took my hand in hers. “Don’t use the band as an excuse. The label is really progressive. You know about Grayson, right?”

“I know he’s in a thruple.”

“You can’t repeat this. I’m telling you as a friend because I think you need to know.”

I nodded. “I’m well and truly locked down by about a hundred NDAs now.”

She smiled before she continued, “Gray is with two people, but there’s way more to it. The old label they were signed to hated his relationship, and brought someone in to ‘manage his behavior’. He was so miserable that he tried to kill himself.”


“It’s one of the main reasons they set up their own label, so as long as you’re not living it up in sex clubs every night or are all over the front pages of the papers for all the wrong reasons, we’re good with it.”

“It still feels a lot. Asking someone who’s in love with you to share you, to watch you sleep with other people, to ask them to sleep with other people while you watch.”

Fern’s eyes lit up. “Look, we all have our thing… sometimes we don’t even know we like that thing until we meet the right person and then it all makes perfect sense.”

My lips curled into a smile. “It sounds like you have a story there, Fern. You have to share now. Has it got to do with all those hot men following you around these days?”

“Look, if I tell you, you can’t tell another living soul.”


“I’m kind of living with Charlie.”

“C-Charlie,” I spluttered as I tried to make sense of her words. “Fox’s Charlie? In the band, Charlie?”

She chewed her bottom lip.

“And Charlie’s the one you’re discovering all these new things with?” She didn’t answer, drinking her coffee instead. “Fern? You need to give me more details.”

“Orgasm denial,” she whispered, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.