“Is that such a bad thing?” Dawson asked, twisting to look at me. He looked so hopeful it almost hurt.
“No, but we’re not a thing. We were just fucking Lea.” I hated myself the second the words left my mouth because yes, we were fucking her, but he’d opened up to me in a way I knew he’d never done with anyone else, so they were going to cut deep.
He reared back as if I’d hit him. “Good to be reminded. Thanks, Marshall. Right, we leave in ten. I just need to go check the other buses are set and we have everything loaded on. We’re not stopping until we arrive at our next destination, so are you sure you want to be stuck together? There’s room on the other bus and one of us can take that.”
“No,” I almost shouted. “Not until we know what we’re dealing with and whatwe all fallmeans. I don’t want any of us getting hurt.”
“And I’d like you all to stay, just in case that wasn’t clear.” A small hand pressed to my shoulder. “Please.” I looked up to find Lea standing next to me. Her usually deep brown eyes were dull, her skin pale, and she worried her lip as she looked between the three of us.
She shook her head. “I feel awful. I didn’t even drink that much last night, and I stopped when we got to the club.”
“We’re wondering if someone spiked our drinks and targeted us because of me,” Fox replied, looking heartbroken. She walked around the table and took the seat next to him and he didn’t hesitate pulling her into his side, placing a kiss to her head and Dawson reached across the table and took her hand. The three of them sat together like a team and as I peered in from the outside, old, familiar feelings slammed into me like I’d hit a wall, making my pulse hammer in my neck and my stomach pull.
“Hey.” Her voice was a soft whisper, dragging me back from the brink of my past. I looked up and her hand was out. When I didn’t take it straight away, she wiggled her fingers. “Now, Marshall.”
“You got bossy, Sugar.” I wrapped my hand in hers, but then Dawson pressed his hand to my thigh and Fox wrapped his hand over Lea’s, entwining his fingers with mine. I had to hide the whimper that burned in my throat at being a part of something bigger, at being part of them, even if it was because we were forced to be.
“She let out what sounded like a contented sigh. “I know we’ve not known each other long, Marshall, but so we’re clear. I like you… all of you. A lot. If I had to be cursed and stuck with three people for all eternity, I got lucky. While I was upstairs, I was thinking… we have a choice. We either focus on beingstuckor we see it as a sign that we’re meant to be together. We’re focusing on thefallingbit of these tattoos, but what about the first half? Thatfour makes us whole. What if this is the universe telling us we’re meant to be together? That we’re each other’s destiny.”
I let out a hollow laugh, but no one else did.Romantic idiots.Love doesn’t work like that, not unless you’re in a fairy story.
She shook her head. “You turned up here because my best friend moved to a town you worked in, having lost her memory. A town she knew her boyfriend would never go back to, but he did. He found her and hired you, out of all the people he could have hired. I mean, he is literally surrounded by security who could have done the job, but here you are. Nee decided to travel with the band when she could have stayed at home. You got on our bus because your room didn’t have power and you just happened to find us fucking. You fit with us like you’ve been touching us… sorry, me, for a lifetime. And now this.” She looked at me and my heart skipped a beat. “You can’t tell me there isn’t something bigger going on here.”
“Well, I’m sold,” Dawson announced, offering Lea a wink. “We become a team, a unit. I can live with that.”
“Forever,” I reminded him.
He looked between us all. “I can think of worse ways to spend my days.”
“You’ll get sick of me,” I admitted. “I’m a lot.”
“Join the club,” Dawson added, squeezing his hand that I just remembered had been on my thigh this entire time.
“Okay, then that’s sorted. You’re the daddies and we can be the brats,” Fox laughed out, pressing his lips to Lea’s cheek.
“Erm, I’ll be the daddy, thank you very much. Muscles here can be the brat tamer.”
I couldn’t ignore the swelling of my cock under the table and the way my heart lurched at the thought of them all being mine.
“Thanksfordinner,Marshall.That was lovely.” I placed my knife and fork on my plate and sat back in my seat, pressing my hands to my belly. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m exhausted. Whatever really happened last night has wiped me out today. I’m going to shower and then I’m going to bed.” I rolled my lips between my teeth, suddenly feeling awkward. “Where’s everyone sleeping?”
Fox leaned in, nuzzling his face into my neck. “With you, if that’s still okay.” I let out a contented hum because he always felt like home, but I wanted Dawson and Marshall to feel like that, too.
Wrapping my hand around the back of his neck, I nodded.
“I can’t, Sunshine. Snuggling isn’t my thing, you know that, and these beds are not meant for more than two,” Dawson replied with a half smile. “But I’ll tuck you in and I’ll make you breakfast in bed in the morning. That sound okay?”
“That’s a fair swap,” I replied, wondering if I’d ever crack him open and get him to give himself to us completely.
“I’ll take a spare bed too. I think we all need to get our heads around last night. How about we watch a movie together tomorrow?”Another frustrating man who refuses to open up and let any of us in.
“Okay, but you know you’re welcome to come and sleep with us… both of you.” They both just nodded. I turned to look at Fox, feeling the tears pricking behind my eyes and, like he could sense my pain, he took my hand and led me out of my seat.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”