Page 53 of Share Me

His blue eyes blazed. “W-what?”

“I dunno. I just get the impression that someone hurt you, so you run before people get a chance to get close and now you feel like you can’t and it’s pissing you off, which is why you’re being all defensive and declaring that we’restucktogether.”

He pushed up from the seat. “That’s ridiculous.”

I held my hands up. “Just saying what I see. I’m pretty good at reading people.”

“Or you’re terrible. You couldn’t be more wrong. I was just here for some fun with a hot woman and now… this.”

“She likes you.”

“And you?”

“You don’t care what I think, remember? You’re not into men.”

He paused. “No, but it looks like I’m going to be around for a while. I’d like to know that doesn’t repulse you.”

I smiled because, although he tried to hide it, I could hear the vulnerability in his voice. Shit, what was it about these two alpha men that made them so afraid to be open about how they felt? “I liked having you around, Marshall.”



He sat again, his shoulders dropping. Placing his arm on the table, palm up, he stared down at his tattoo. “I don’t know how to do this,” he whispered inaudibly, and I wasn’t sure if he meant being with all of us or being cursed, but my reply would have been the same either way. I wrapped my fingers over the symbol that sat near his pulse point.

“None of us do, but at least we’re doing it together.”



Yes, I was enjoying fooling around with these three people. In fact, I really liked them all, but this, this was too much. I promised myself I would never do relationships again, but what was worse was being forced into something, never knowing if the people I was with even wanted me. They were only with me because of the words inked on our arms and our patchy memories of last night, so I needed to find a way to break the curse or prove someone was playing with us, but in the meantime, I needed to keep us all together so none of usfell.

I tried to ignore how good it felt to have Fox hold my hand. I pretended I didn’t notice that for the first time in three years, my heart felt like it beat properly. I simply refused to acknowledge that it felt right to have him touch me like that. And when Dawson stepped onto the bus, breaking our moment, I pulled my hand back, but my skin burned with the imprint of his palm.

“This gets more and more fucked up. The symbols we all have are the elemental signs. Mine is earth, yours is fire, Lea’s is air, and Fox, yours is water.”

“Okay,” Fox replied, obviously confused.

“Typeelement symbolsinto Google.”

I pulled my phone from my pocket and did just that. “What the fuck? They are signs of alchemy.” The bodyguard in me sprung into action. “You think someone was targeting Fox because of the band?”

Dawson came and sat next to me, the heat of his body making my skin tingle. “It’s possible. Someone could have followed us, spiked our drinks, tattooed us while we were out of it and just paid the ‘witch’ to pretend to curse us.”

I nodded. “It’s possible. You need more protection. One person obviously isn’t enough.”

“No one knew we were going there,” Fox interjected.

“Lea said one of the catering crew told her about the place.”

“What? So it was a big elaborate plan?” Fox scoffed. “That seems a bit extreme.”

“And being cursed isn’t an extreme explanation?”

He let out a defeated sigh. “Fine. Let’s go with the conspiracy theory. What did they get out of it? No one even knew you’d shared Lea with us, Marshall. We’d not told anyone. Not even Arch or C. And what does someone have to gain by making us think we’re cursed?”

“Making us stay together,” I replied.