Page 23 of Share Me

Pushing my free hand into his hair, I gripped tightly, pulling him back onto me with more force, letting my fingers graze his prostate again and again.

“I’m so close… don’t stop.” He let out a strangled cry that made my balls pulse with pleasure because he was falling apart on my fingers.

Just then, a hand hammered against my door.

“Fuck, why are people always interrupting us?” Fox muttered.

“Don’t make a sound,” I grumbled as I added another finger, noticing the thin sheen of sweat that now covered his skin that I wanted to lick off. His entire body shook as I worked them in faster, loving seeing how stretched he was for me. “Who is it?” I yelled.

“Marshall. New security detail. Pete said I should come, speak to you,” an American accent replied.

Pressing my fingers to Fox’s prostate, I massaged lightly until his knees nearly gave way. Knowing he was close to coming, I removed them slowly, and he stifled down a sob.

“No,” he whisper hissed. “What… don’t… no. I’m so close. I’ll be quick.”

“Give me two seconds,” I yelled toward the door where my visitor waited before walking to the bathroom to wash my hands.

When I got back, Fox was standing there, joggers back around his waist, but dangerously low, especially since his hard cock still tented them. “You can’t seriously work me up like this and then just leave me hanging,” he whined.

I winked. I loved that Fox was the most chilled man I’d ever met unless you edged him; then he became unhinged. And right now he was the most unhinged I’d ever seen him.

“Lea told us to work ourselves up for her arrival. I think you’re all worked up, aren’t you, Bunny?” I stepped nearer, loving how his breathing increased as I closed the space between us. Leaning in, I cupped the outline of his cock, nipping his bottom lip between my teeth, his hands coming up to fist my t-shirt.

“Daddy’s got to go to work. If you’re a good boy, I will fuck you before Lea gets here.”

Fox stepped back with a look in his eyes that I wasn’t sure was lust or frustration. “You can fuck off if you think I’m calling you Daddy,” he mumbled, forcing his hands in his pockets as if he couldn’t trust himself not to touch me again. I grabbed his chin, slamming my lips against his and kissing him roughly, leaving him breathless when I pulled away.

“You’ll do whatever I tell you if you want me to make you come. Otherwise, I can keep edging you until she arrives in like…” I glanced at my watch… “eleven hours.”

“I’m not calling you Daddy.” He glared at me before storming over to the door of my suite.

“We’ll see. I bet I’ve got you on your knees begging Daddy to let you choke on his cock by the end of the day.”

“You’re a fucker.”

“Just say it… yes, Daddy.”

He flipped me the finger before unlocking the door and walking out, while I had a silent bet with myself about how long it would take for him to come back.


Ithrewmyholdallonto the double bed that filled most of my small room. I think I’d gotten the best deal, despite the size of my space as the security bus was full, so I was staying on one of the more luxurious band buses with Ionee and her friend Lea, who’d flown in from London early this morning.

I’d escorted them both on board and left them to it, knowing how eager Ionee was to catch up with her lifelong friend she had no memory of. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I clicked my neck one way and then the other as I wished I could erase my memories, wondering just how different my life would have been if I’d made different choices or could just forget about my past.

Laughter filled the bus as I felt the engine start and we pulled out of the car park. It was only a few hours until we reached Tampa, where Alchemy Myth’s next gig was, so I flopped back against the cool mattress and let the motion of the wheels on the freeway lull me to sleep.

Someone shouted my name, jarring me from my dream with such a start that it took me a second to work out where I was. Sleepily, I rubbed my hand over my face.

“Yeap,” I replied.

“You want lunch? Lea cooked.”

My stomach rumbled as the smell of something delicious filled the air. “Just coming.”

Checking I didn’t have drool on my chin or my hair was sticking up all over the place in the mirror near my door, I stepped out into the main section of the tour bus. With a central kitchen and dining area and then a lounge with sofas and a TV, the vehicle was impressive. Ionee and Lea, who I’d met briefly in the hotel earlier, sat at the table covered in food. I lowered myself into the bench seat across from them, taking a sip of the black coffee they’d poured for me.

“What’s this?” I asked, confused, as I looked around at what was laid out.