When I make no motion or sound to dissuade him, the massive alien beneath me peels my jeans down my thighs, taking my underwear with them.
I hear him growl, a sound of appreciation for my bare ass.
Whenever I thought about being naked in front of a man, I was always suffused with shame. The thought of someone else seeing me naked always seemed so confronting. Not anymore. Not now I know what real confrontation is.
He pulls them down, all the way down to my ankles, and then his big alien hands, each one of them at least twice as big as mine, run up my calves and my thighs, making me feel so delicate and small and treasured, even in this dark niche aboard a flying nightmare.
I surrender to sensation. I give myself over to this moment, and to the pleasure I am unexpectedly finding in it. One of those big hands clasps my hip, while the other slides up and over my thigh to delve between my legs. I part my legs and I let him, Zain, the alien who claims to be my savior, to rub the underside of his fingers down over the blonde mound of my sex.
I draw a quick breath in as he finds a part of me even I have hesitated to touch. His fingers are hot as they curl into a grip, holding me between my legs, squeezing the sensitive parts of me and sending excited sensations rushing through me. He is gripping my sex, holding my pussy. He is not yet inside me, though I know he will be. I can feel a thick alien ridge rampant against my ass.
Another growl, a completely inhuman sound, and yet one I recognize on a cellular level. Our chemistry is talking with scent and sound and touch, and the conversation is hot and rapid-fire. My body releases pure arousal. I feel myself growing wet beneath his fingers as they move with curling, coiling, circling movements, further stoking my desire.
I know what is going to happen next. It is what must happen. It is what has to happen. I truly understand what the phrase biological imperative means. I am under orders I cannot resist.
The alien lifts me in his massive hands, positions me above the thick, penetrating rod of his cock, and lowers me slowly, inextricably down onto his dick.
The moment I feel the head of his thick cock parting my lips, I am flooded with the most pure and potent desire I have ever experienced. My inner muscles clench with anticipation, as if trying to reach for him and draw him deeper. But he does not plunge me down on his cock. Not yet. He holds me there, in place, right at that moment of impalement. I can hear him breathing deeply, as if he is trying to get himself under control.
I am being held by a beast whose true nature I may never know. I may not survive this coupling. These could be the very last moments of my life and yet I am more alive than I have ever been, feeling more intensely, desiring more fully.
I want to feel him inside me. I want to have the burden of chastity removed. I want to know what it is to be a woman and to be mated.
The longer he holds me there, the more I start to squirm. And then he begins to speak and the feelings grow severalfold. I did not know it was possible to want anything more, and yet now I suddenly do.
“You drip for me, human. I feel your wetness on my cock. You coat me with your need.”
He speaks with a thick alien accent like none other I have heard before. There is something rough and primal about his words and the way he uses his tongue, almost as if he is not entirely used to it.
“Please,” I whimper.
I don’t entirely know what I am asking for. For mercy? For help? For his big fucking cock?
“This may hurt, human,” he warns me. “I have lusted for longer than you can imagine.”
With that, he plunges me onto his cock… all of a single inch. My lips spread wide around the thick head of his alien dick and I feel my inner walls open for him too… until they don’t. Some vestige of purity remains.
But he is not interested in obstacles.
There is tightness. Sharpness. Pain.
I cry out, for just a split second before I remember that I must be quiet. We are hiding from an army of hostile aliens. This mating is happening against all common sense, but in perfect alliance with the laws of desire. We might die. But we will live first.
He pulls me down slowly, surely and firmly, inch after inch after inch of his flesh entering mine. Every increase in the intrusion comes with a new intensity of sensation. I keep thinking I am as full as I am going to get, but it just keeps getting deeper and somehow feeling even bigger.