Without a word, he lifts me up in his arms and he frees his scaled cock from the interior of those stolen leggings and he plunges deep inside me again.

He smells differently now. He smells like power and death. And he smells like me. I have coated his cock. He pulls away from me and turns me around, tossing me back over the crates and sheathing himself inside me.

It is different this second time around. I am not as tight, and it is not as hard for him to fill me deeply, but I do feel an ache that imparts a certain twisted pleasure. When this creature creates pain, I feel pleasure.

“Filthy little pet,” he growls. “I see what you have been doing, playing with your pussy while I fight. What a dirty little human you are.”

He pulls out just enough to allow his palm space to whip through the air and make sharp contact with my right cheek. I yelp in pain, but like the rest of the pain, it does not truly hurt. Instead, it adds to the sensations charging through my body, making me lightheaded and eager for the climax I know I am due.

“That is for disobeying me when I told you to hide,” he growls, his cock throbbing against my aching inner walls. “I expect obedience from you, pet. You are mine now. Mine to protect and mine to train. I will not accept anything but your total obedience.”

With every word, his cock thrusts roughly inside me, giving me pleasure even as he takes his own. I could feel his cock pulsing before the little alien murder interlude, but now it throbs like a creature needing to release itself.

“Come for me, pet,” he growls, pushing one hand beneath me, finding my clit and rubbing it in fast, tight circles, pushing me past the limits of my frail human body’s capacity to build pleasure without releasing it.

I scream as I come, the feeling of orgasm overwhelming me with its intensity. This is no furtive climax beneath the blankets in the dark of night. This is a full body experience that makes every muscle contract and every cell sing. I am in my body and I am out of my body. I am above myself and outside myself. I am dead and I am alive. I am safe and I am claimed.

The clenching of my pussy and the wild grinding of my hips tips Zain over the edge as well. Like night follows day, his alien climax follows my human orgasm.

With a dominant roar, my new alien master comes, his seed flooding my once virginal pussy, his mark now truly upon me. He holds me there, making me take every drop as I writhe and wriggle and pant like an animal.

He pulls himself from me, and now I feel the ache even more intensely. He has not just fucked me. He has transformed me. My body is not what it was before and it never will be again. On his cock, I became both a woman and his pet.

Having pulled me from the crates and turned me around in his arms, Zain looks down at me with a tender, approving gaze under which I feel myself melt.

I’ve always held myself back from men. There were not that many suitors in our community and all of them seemed so very silly in one way or another. I could not imagine blending my life with theirs, and so I kept myself for myself, chaste and pure and untouched.

I am no longer any of those things. I am filthy, I am used, and I am owned.

I cannot wipe the smile off my face, not even surrounded by a dozen alien corpses.

“So beautiful,” Zain muses, brushing my cheek with the back of his scaled hand. “My perfect little pet. I need a collar for you. You need to be marked to the universe as being mine.”

In that chamber of death, my new alien owner reaches for one of the corpses and pulls a belt from around their waist. They are nothing now, not scary, not dangerous. They are spare parts.

He rips the belt up in his hands, snapping it link from link. I notice that it glimmers and seems to change color in his hands, sparking every time it breaks. It doesn’t look like an inert material. It looks like it responds to the way it is touched and handled, just as I do.

When he has it to the right length, he beckons for me to come closer. I do, and he carefully moves my hair out of the way in order to slide the remnants of the fallen soldier’s belt around my neck.

The links are light, made of some kind of alien material that is strong and melds together when it is pressed together firmly. I feel a brief surge of heat at the nape of my neck when it is joined.