We are bonding with every contortion, every thrust of my hips, and every grinding motion of her soft, thick ass.
Intense feelings are rising in me. More powerful than lust. More dangerous than desire. I feel an intense need to protect this little creature who is giving me so much pleasure.
She is more than a mate. She is a pet.
Someone to look after. Someone to train.
She’s already so obedient with her pussy. She didn’t hesitate to give it to me even though she was untouched. There is not a hint of the scent of any other male on her, and the reluctant tightness of her flesh told me the rest. I have taken her purity. I have made her mine.
I will keep her. Even after she is filled with my seed and the mating lust fades and she is just another human. I will keep her because she has given me everything she ever had, and all she has to give. Her flesh is mine, and I will protect every bit of her with everything I have.
Gripping her soft, fleshy hips, I drag her back on my cock, going as deep as I dare before her cries become more plaintive and panicked and I must pull out again.
Fucking this little creature is dangerous. I have to have perfect self-control in order to avoid hurting her. I could go too deep, or I could thrust too hard, or I could hold her too tightly and crush some delicate part of her. Everything tells me to be careful, except the primary instinct to mate. That tells me to make sure she wears my mark deep inside her and on every level. I want her body marked. I want her mind marked. I want her soul marked, whatever passes for the eternal in her tight little vessel.
When I was in prison, I dreamed every day of having a woman of my own. I thought I would never know the soft grip of a hot cunt again. I truly imagined I would die without ever mating again.
She has saved me from my nightmares and she has made my dreams come true. Her pussy grips me tighter, tighter, as she comes closer to some kind of human orgasm. I wonder what it feels like to have a woman come on my cock, but I know I am about to find out.
Wrathelder’s soldiers burst into the room at the worst of all possible moments, ruining my orgasm, and depriving my human mate of hers. I drag her down from the crates and push her down behind them for safekeeping, vaulting them as three soldiers open fire on me. They miss with every single shot because though they are dressed in the trappings of war, they are weak and pathetic. They have never faced real combat.
I am naked, as vulnerable as I will ever be, and still they cannot muster the courage to shoot directly at me.
Unlike them, I came prepared to kill. More than prepared, really. Eager. The Wrathelders have taken everything from me. I have lived in dark captivity for years with an incomplete vengeance burning inside me that will only be sated by Wrathelder blood. A lot of it.
I welcome them with a broad, sharp grin, and I rush toward them, welcoming their weapons, as ineffective as they are.
I begin to kill.
“MINE.” Zain snarls that possessive word and draws his cock from me like a knight might draw a sword from a sheath.
One moment I am on the verge of the first penetrative orgasm of my life, the next I am bereft of the alien’s cock, being pushed down behind the crates that once hid us both as he vaults into combat.
He pushes me down as he goes, but I peek back up over the edges of the crates. I have to see what is happening. I have to know what madness lies inside him. I felt it when he was inside me. His power. His dominance. But also a very large reserve of care. He was careful with me. I would be dead, or worse, right now if he had not been.
The same cannot be said for the evil aliens who have come to confront him. He is not careful at all. He is one naked, massive gray green alien beast clad in scales against the might of a small, armored force.
Several of them are already in the room, and it seems that they have reinforcements bringing up the rear. Their intention is clear: to kill him and to capture me.
Zain is not going to allow either one of those things to happen. As they open fire, he does not flinch or even try to avoid their energy bullets. I do not know what technology they use, but I have to assume it is terribly deadly. He runs toward them as if he has no fear of injury or death. He moves as I have seen predators move, with no hesitation, only pure focus.