“That worked very well indeed,” Phenix purrs. He looks down at me with flinty, ice blue eyes. His dark hair has been partially braided up over his head, but long skeins of it still hang down the sides.
I say nothing. He keeps talking anyway.
“The humans actually originated those devices,” Phenix says. “They call them flash-bang grenades. Very simple terminology for a very effective tool for subduing criminals.”
He looks down at me with a cruel but triumphant expression. “And that is what you are, Zain. You are a vicious, dangerous escaped criminal. And now you are in my custody. And now, you are going to pay.”
I wonder what Zain is doing. I imagine he is angry at me. I know he does not approve of his ‘pet’ being disobedient. Sometimes, I let myself forget that I am running to save my village from being sold into alien slavery, and I just think about myself in the way he thinks about me, as a naughty escaped pet in need of proper training.
It was always so fucking hot when he talked to me like I was a little animal. It shouldn’t have been, probably. I should have been more offended, knowing that on some level that was exactly how he saw me.
My hand is sliding down the front of my pants as I sit alone in a corner of one of the cabins of the Wrathelder ship. We have spread out through them all, claiming little alien spaces for ourselves as we all try to approximate the feeling of home just a little so we don’t go mad in a massive black universal void.
I find myself wet, my fingers brushing lightly over my clit, then circling around to rub that hungry little bud as visions of a brutally-made, muscular, scarred alien with big tusks and sharp fangs presents himself behind my closed eyes.
I can hear him growl, that sound that resonates and vibrates through me. He’s not here. He’s not anywhere near me and yet I can feel that snarl running right through me. I push my fingers inside myself, wishing they were thicker, wishing they were scaled. Wishing they were him.
I miss him so viscerally I can barely take it. Every breath I draw in his absence comes with a side of pain.
I don’t know if I’m trying to make myself come, or if I’m trying to conjure him here to me. I feel power coiling and unwinding along my spine. I feel myself reaching out across space and time, searching for him. Wanting him. Needing him.
Somewhere in the dark, I find a pulse of energy reaching back for me. I grip onto it with my mind and I push my fingers deep inside myself. In and out, I thrust with hips raised. I never used to touch myself this way. I never understood how powerful the carnal impulse was. I thought it was a petty distraction, but in this moment, it is everything.
I pleasure myself with his memory. I allow myself to let go of the bitterness, the fear and the pain, for these moments of lust, grinding against my hand, filling myself, holding the memories of Zain’s lovemaking.
“Bad little pet,” his memory growls in my ear. Sharp shocks of excitement rush through me, making my pussy clench around my fingers. “When I catch you, I am going to spank and fuck you until you cry those sweet human tears.”
I am getting closer and closer, my toes curling my breath coming in short, feral little gasps. I can almost feel him inside me, the memory of being fucked by him so primal and so essential to my being.
“I own you. I have always owned you and I always will. I am coming for you, pet, and I will reclaim you. Your little cunt and ass are going to ache for me.”
I come hard to the image of Zain punish-fucking me with his thick alien cock. I am his. I am his and there is nothing I can do about it. I just have to get my people to safety, and then I can give into this attraction and connection that Evangeline prophesied years ago.
I yank my hands out of my pants and tidy myself up as quickly as humanly possible. One of Rex’s soldiers is looking for me. I try to compose myself as I go to the door and peer out.
“Commander needs to see you.”
I go to the bridge, wondering if this means Zain was closer than I thought the whole time. Did he feel what I felt? Was he part of it? Or was that just my vivid erotic imagination?
While I am trying to work out the source of the hotness, one of the soldiers makes a clipped, efficient report.
“We’ve got a fleet of alien ships on this radar, commander. Looks like they’re converging on our location.”