“Pretty little human pet,” he growls in my ear. “I want every inch of you. I want to consume you. I want to be inside you so deeply I will never be free of you, and you will never be free of me.”

His cock throbs in my aching pussy as he intones these deeply possessive words. I feel myself melting around him, my inner walls clenching his rod with the same intensity he growls those words. My flesh responds to his intention and desire almost as if his mind controls my body as well as his own.

I finally understand what all the fuss about sex has always been, and even why most of the older people in the village insist it should happen between a husband and wife. I cannot imagine this level of connection with anybody besides the man I am supposed to devote my life to.

Zain pulls out of my pussy, giving me unwanted respite. For a moment I whine and squirm my hips back in the helpless effort to get his cock back inside me, but he pulls me close to his body and hangs the towel in front of us. I am his modesty screen, and the towel is mine.

I’m still confused as to why he is doing this, but the answer to that becomes almost immediately apparent.


A cheerful voice calls out from far too close by. He must have heard her coming, or maybe seen her. Either way, he’s saved us from being caught in a very indelicate position by someone who would be absolutely horrified by the notion of sex outside the bedroom, let alone outside marriage, let alone outside the species.

Mrs Trotter comes through the garden gate, as she has so many times before in my life. She’s always letting herself in that way. It was a habit when she knew my grandmother, and it is one she has kept.

I don’t know what she makes of the fact that I am being partially covered by a towel while in a state of half-undress. She doesn’t seem to notice. Her eyes are locked on Zain with a girlish curiosity that belies her years.

“What are you doing here!?” My tone is rough and indignant.

“I wanted to see if I could measure Mr Alien for some clothing. He’s got hardly anything to wear, just those pots and plates. I’d like to run something up for him on the sewing machine before he’s done with his bath. I just need some measurements.”

“I do not require clothing,” Zain says.

“Stuff and nonsense, of course you do. Don’t worry about anything, I’ve seen everything in my day.”

She comes bustling over in the boundary-less way some women have when they consider themselves sexless and assume everybody else will interact with them the same way.

“My, what broad shoulders you have,” she giggles. “My measuring tape won’t reach.”

“I do not need clothing,” Zain repeats. “Your offer is kind, but I must refuse it, and if you do not accept the refusal I will have no choice except to enforce it.”

She has no idea what he means, but I have some idea. He is starting to bristle, his jaw clenching, his fangs looking particularly sharp and imposing as he narrows his eyes at her.

“He’s very tired, and he’s had a very long day,” I translate for her. “Thank you so much for the offer, but we need some privacy now. He needs his rest.”

“Of course he does! Big strong hero alien like him can’t be worn out too much or who knows what will become of him. Best to conserve his energies, dearie. All his energies.”

She says that with a certain tone that makes me very certain she knows precisely what Zain and I were doing, and intends on going about and telling everybody who will even pretend to listen.

“She’s a gossip,” I tell Zain. “She’s going to tell everyone what we were doing.”

“She may tell everyone,” he says. “I want everybody to know who you belong to. I want this world and every other world to know that you are mine.”

“Then why did you cover me?”

“I did not know if you wanted everybody to know. I know that human relationships are complicated, and I am new to your social structure. I do not want to cause you pain or complication.”

He is so sweet, and so fucking hot.

“I wonder what I did to deserve to meet someone like you,” I say, leaning against his strong, scarred body.

Zain wraps me in his arms, and I feel as though all my happily-ever-afters have come at once. I am loved. He has not said the word, but I feel the emotion suffusing me.

Maybe this is how it happens. Maybe one day you just meet someone who changes everything and you get to be happy after ever, after all.