They have never seen an alien before, though surely my stature and my demeanor should give them some sense of the force of interstellar nature they are now encountering. When handling humans, it is best to be aware of how sensitive and panicky they can be.

A young man wearing sweat and I suspect, blood-stained tan overalls, sandy blond hair falling into his eyes, shakes his head to clear the strands from his gaze and raises his weapon, an action that immediately infuriates me because it puts my pet’s life in danger. This is a careless, reckless boy. The urge to kill him rises quickly but falls almost as quickly. He is not another of my kind. He is a human, and he likely does not know better. I will have to teach all of these humans lessons in discipline.

Having spent so long locked behind prison walls, it is a strange feeling to find myself suddenly the authority figure for a whole gaggle of untamed, untrained, wild humans with all their survival instincts fully intact.

“Bart!” Emily yells what must be his name. It makes sense that they know each other. This is a small town and they are of similar age. They may even be related. Looking around, I notice certain similarities in bone structure and facial features. They might very well all be related. “Put the gun down, you idiot.”

Bart ignores her and continues to let the bore of the weapon wander in erratic circles before us. He does not look like a good shot, but he is close enough for that not to matter.

“Give her back, ya big green freak.”

His description of me is apt, though the tone is very disrespectful. I feel my musculature clench with the desire to teach the rude human a swift lesson in how to speak to his betters. He is fortunate I am holding Emily, or…

She wriggles out of my arms with surprising speed and agility, walks directly toward the drawn weapon, and slaps the end of it down and away from us. This might have seemed like a good idea in her head, but the subsequent discharge and ricochet of the lead projectile zipping past my head makes me take immediate action.

I stride forward and grab her again. I do not care about the villagers, their gormless gazes shocked by the way I move.

Gripping Emily by the arm, I draw her back toward me and slap her generous bottom hard, catching both her denim clad cheeks in a single swat of my large palm.

“Don’t you dare do anything like that again!”

The lecturing words emerge from my mouth sounding foreign, though I mean every one of them. Usually one of my older brothers would lecture misbehaved pets while I sat back and laughed at their antics. I used to love it when the humans were disobedient because it meant my brothers Arkan and Kahn were annoyed, which I’ve also always enjoyed.

Now that my very own treasured pet is acting recklessly, I find myself channeling the natural Voros authority.

She stares at me with her mouth agape, looking at me with apparent horror. I know instantly that nobody has ever spanked her before. She may be sweet, but she is undisciplined.

Emily’s mouth closes after a moment, but her lower lip quivers and I see tears beginning to form in her big blue eyes. Regret immediately washes over me, and I sweep her back up into my arms, cradling her tight. The entire village is still looking at us, but I do not care. All I care about is comforting my girl.

“Don’t cry, pet,” I murmur to her.

“You hit me,” she whimpers, squirming against me. “You hit me and it hurt.”

“I know, but you put yourself in danger. I won’t have that, pet. You must keep yourself safe at all costs.”

I am holding her close, snugging her up in my arms in an effort to hide her from the world, keep her safe in the cradle of my flesh. I feel so incredibly protective of this curvy little human. I do not want to be the one to make her cry, but I will also never allow harm to come to her.

“Put her down, lizard man!”

I turn, place Emily safely behind me, then take a step forward, snatch the weapon out of the foolish young human man’s hands and…

“No!” An older gentleman speaks now. “Please don’t break the weapon. We’ve got few of them as it is. Break Bart if you like. He’s replaceable!”

Bart has taken several quick, pale steps backward. Without his weapon he is just a gangly country boy with no nerve at all.

“I didn’t mean nothing by it, Mister Alien,” he stammers. “I just thought you should put Emily down. She can walk on her own legs.”

I hand the weapon to the older man and continue to advance on Bart. He will be the example I make to these humans.