Page 26 of Magic and Mystery

As Foras crossed the floor towards me, I managed to squeak out from around the invisible force on my neck, "Why?" Maybe it didn't matter at that point, but if he was going to kill me and my sweet mate, I wanted a reason; to at least try to understand his madness and our sacrifice.

His putrid breath hit my face as he closed in on me and replied, "You disgust me. You put your life on the line for humans; the very species that killed your parents and mine. The ones who hunted our kind for centuries! The ones who burned our villages to the ground!"

"In…the…past," I choked out, trying to argue that those actions were so long ago. Both species had come together and found peace. Violence wasn't necessary.

"So we should forget?" he roared, and the grip tightened on my throat. "We should forgive all that has been done to us? We've lost too many. We've sacrificed too much. It's time to rise up and take what is ours. We are the rightful rulers of this earth. We have powers stronger than human weapons or disease. They will pay for their transgressions and our loss."

Colorful spots danced in my vision as blood flow to my brain slowed down. I clawed at my throat, but there was nothing to grab.

"I have never stopped grieving for my father, or counting down the days until I could get revenge. But my powers were weak. I needed help. I knew there had to be records of dark spells that could grow my magic and help me on my quest. I reached out to my father's closest friend, but he wouldn't spill his secrets."

"Until, that is, we raised a toast to my father, and I slipped a few drops of truth serum into his beer. Then I learned everything I needed. Unfortunately, he had to die; I couldn't allow him to stop me. I also hated spilling the magical blood of the cop and fortune teller, but it was all for the greater good. Their deaths won't be in vain; our kind will rise and rule, just as it always should've been. And I will be their leader. Nothing will stop us."

From the beginning of time, men had been left astray by greed and the lust for power, and Foras was no exception. Mixed with his grief, it was a recipe for disaster.

Nothing good would come from this. Innocent lives had already been cut short, and it was only the beginning. With the evil of Bael housed in an unstoppable vessel, the world was doomed.

And there was nothing I could do. As my vision faded, I turned my eyes to Milan, needing one last glimpse of my beautiful beloved.

But he was not kneeling on the floor any longer. My heart flooded with hope and joy as he rose onto his shaky legs. He pulled his gun from his coat and fired three shots into Foras's back. The grip on my throat immediately loosened, and I fell to the ground, coughing and gasping.

Foras appeared puzzled as he looked down at his chest, and the black blood dripping from his wounds onto the concrete floor. Just as pride ballooned in my chest for Milan's bravery, it turned to fear and disbelief as Foras laughed again.

He raised his hands to the sides, and his blood flowed backwards, retreating to the bullet holes, which quickly knitted together. With a loud, ear-piercing cry, he flexed his body, and the bullets shot back towards Milan.

In a blink, I raised my wand and produced a glowing gold dome around my beloved to shield him. When the metal bullets crossed the barrier, they turned to sand and sprinkled onto the floor.

Foras snarled and pointed his raised wand at me, surely conjuring a spell to end my life. I knew my power was no match for him, but I had two fists and plenty of pent-up rage over him trying to kill my mate.

Before Foras could cast his magic, I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. His eyes widened; he had been so consumed by his newfound power, he seemingly forgot that people could fight without it.

I got in one good punch right to his nose, splintering his bone and sending blood speckling over his face. But my victory was short-lived. Foras threw me off of him and crawled on top of my body. He pointed his wand at my throat and growled, "You used to be the most powerful mage in the world, but that time is gone. I have the power now. Did you really think you could beat me?"

"No," I answered honestly. "I'm just a cute distraction."

At that moment, Milan fisted Foras's hair from behind and pressed the barrel of his gun to the back of his head. A loud shot rang out, and brain matter showered over me. Foras’s heavy, lifeless body crumpled onto me, and Milan helped roll him off of my legs.