Page 39 of Burn (Smoke)

He walked over and opened the door leading into Liam’s office. “Go on,” he said to me.

I glanced at him again, confused by his scowl, before going inside.

Blaise stood with his arms crossed, looking at me with a solemn expression. At least he didn’t look as pissed as Tex had. Liam was sitting in his office chair. My gaze shifted between the two, then went back to Blaise.

“Boss,” I said when neither of them said anything.

He sighed deeply, then shook his head. That was not good. He wasn’t happy. I just hoped whatever the fuck I’d done wasn’t gonna get my ass killed. Although I couldn’t think of anything I’d done that was out of line. I mean, sure, I’d hit Sax a few days ago, but the fucker had punched me first. Busted my damn nose. Granted, he’d been angry about my holding a gun to his baby momma’s back while Levi threatened her to break things off with Sax, but that was all cleared up now. They were living together at Saxon’s, being all domestic and shit.

Besides, I hadn’t wanted to hold a gun to her back. It had been Blaise’s orders we acted on.

The door opened again, and I turned to see Carmichael—the family’s private doctor who made house calls when needed, which was regular for us—walk inside. He was carrying a container of some kind.

“Carmichael needs to swab your cheek,” Blaise said. “We need a DNA test done to see if that is in fact your kid.”

He nodded his head to the other side of the room, and I froze.

A very tiny baby was wrapped up in some kind of carrier thing. It was covered in a blanket, but, damn, it was little. Like, brand-new little.

I shook my head. “I don’t have a baby,” I said.

Blaise ignored me and nodded at Carmichael.

He walked up to me. “Open your mouth. I just need a cheek swab, and I’ll get this expedited. Should know in a few hours.”

“What?” I asked, horrified.

Why the fuck did they think that small creature was mine? I used condoms. Always.

“I don’t fuck raw,” I said before opening my mouth so he could swab it.

There was no way that kid was mine. If he needed to get proof, then he could get it. I was more than positive I hadn’t created any small human.

He took it, then put it in a vial.

“I’ve already got Jagger’s. I’ll call as soon as I have the results.” He was looking at Blaise when he said it, and then he looked back at me.

Who the fuck was Jagger? The other option for the sperm donor? Because it was his. I could save everyone the time right now.

“That isn’t mine,” I said, pointing at it.

Blaise picked up a piece of paper from the end of Liam’s desk, then held it out to me. “Read it. See if your memory is jogged,” he said, still looking grim.

I took it but shook my head. “Boss, I swear, this is not my baby. I don’t know who is trying to pass it off as mine. Where the hell is its momma? Why isn’t she here with it?”

“Read the fucking letter,” Blaise demanded.

I looked down at the handwritten note.


I thought having a baby would be fun. I’d have a family. I thought I wanted that. Turns out, I don’t. So, he’s yours. Do what you want with him. Maybe find him a good home, I don’t know. Just don’t go looking for me. I won’t take him back. He cries at night, and I am so tired. He’s also fucking expensive! The number of diapers he goes through—Jesus Christ, they should warn you about that.

I left Devil’s when I found out I was pregnant and thought I wanted to keep him. I figured it was best to start our new life somewhere else. I was wrong. I want to start a new life, but not with a baby. Men don’t want to date women with a baby. You know me! I like to party.

I figure I carried it for nine months—well, eight. He came three weeks early. But I did all the work. Shoved him out of my cunt and stretched the damn thing. I need it fixed, and I can’t afford that if I got to buy all the baby shit.

It’s your turn to do something. Give him to some folks who want a kid. His birth certificate doesn’t have your name on it since you weren’t there. It has no father on it, as you can see. But I googled it, and all you have to do is get a paternity test to prove you’re the father, then get your name on the birth certificate. Then, you’ll have legal rights since I gave him to you and split.

I don’t want any rights. Parenting is not for me. I should have aborted, but whatever. What’s done is done.