Page 13 of Burn (Smoke)

I shook my head at her. “It’s ridiculous. Kye was drunk. He kissed me. We have never, not once, touched each other in any sexual way since. You would think Bowie could let it go and at least … I don’t know.” I shrugged.

There was no reason to think about this. I was wasting my time. Seeing Bowie had just reminded me of Kye and the fact that I had loved him most of my life and wasted years hoping he saw me as something more than his best friend. But no more! I had stood my ground. Moved back to Savannah. Put distance between us so I didn’t spend my summer moping around, waiting for him to give me attention.

“Ladies,” Chuck, our boss, said as he held out two trays full of appetizers to us. “Break is over. Get out there.”

We each took a tray.

“Point him out if you can,” Quinn told me. “I want to see if he’s as hot as Kye.”

I rolled my eyes and followed her out of the kitchen.

The rest of the evening, I intentionally stayed clear of any area that Bowie was in. It became a game in a way. I made sure to locate him once I was on the floor, then went everywhere but there. Quinn kept giving me looks, wanting me to show her who he was, but I wasn’t about to be caught, pointing at him. She served his group more than once, and it made me grin. It was killing her that she didn’t know.

By the time the party was over, I hadn’t seen Bowie in the crowd in over an hour. Quinn made guesses on who it was as we cleaned up the kitchen. When we were headed out to Quinn’s car, she was still giving me descriptions of guys while I read the last text from Kye.

Call me. I miss your voice.

I sighed. I knew he didn’t realize how painful it was for me when he said things like that. Kye loved me. I knew that. But the problem would always be that I was in love with Kye. He couldn’t know that. It was my cross to bear. Being in love with your best friend sucked.

“Brown hair—kinda has a sexy, messy look—brown eyes that have dark lashes long enough to make a girl jealous, wide shoulders, lean but muscular build, wearing a blue button-down and jeans.”

Quinn’s description started sinking in, and my head shot up from the text.

“Yes, actually. That’s really accurate,” I said, surprised that she remembered so many details about him.

She nodded, then raised her eyebrows. “Yeah, well, probably because he’s walking this way.”

Wait. “What?” I asked, my gaze swinging over the parking lot until it landed on Bowie. “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh. Guess you aren’t invisible anymore after all,” Quinn said in a singsong voice beside me.

“Shut up,” I whispered as he got closer.

“Fine, I’ll just go wait in the car.”

I grabbed her arm before she could move. “Stay. Do not leave me.”

She laughed quietly. “Okay, fine. I’ll be your bodyguard. All five feet of me.”

I shot her an annoyed look, then turned back just as Bowie reached us. Was I supposed to say something? I stared at him and couldn’t think of one thing to say.

“Hey,” he said, breaking the silence.

“Uh, um, hey,” I stammered, confused by this.

He hadn’t spoken to me in four years.

He licked his bottom lip and glanced over at Quinn. Was he here to meet her? Maybe? How awkward would that be?

“Oh, uh, Quinn, this is Bowie. A childhood friend,” I said to her, then looked back at him.

His eyes were locked on me.

“Bowie, this is Quinn, my roommate and best friend.”

“Backup best friend,” Quinn corrected me with a smug smile. Then, she looked at Bowie. “It’s nice to meet you. She refused to point you out tonight, so I was left guessing.”

I elbowed her before she said anything else.

A grin tugged on the corner of Bowie’s lips. “So, you told her I was there.”

I was going to kill Quinn. She’d better sleep with one eye open.

I felt my face grow warm, and I let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I might have mentioned it,” I admitted.

“But she said that she was invisible where you were concerned. I guess she was wrong. You are clearly seeing her now,” Quinn added.

I glared at her. “Why don’t you go wait in the car?” I suggested.

“So, you don’t need me—”

“Now,” I cut her off, which only made her smile bigger.

She wiggled her fingers at Bowie. “See you around.”

When she finally walked toward the car, I turned back to him. He wasn’t watching her go. Instead, he was looking at me.

“She’s, uh … ignore her,” I told him.

He smirked and tilted his head slightly to the side. “You told her about me.”

I nodded. No point in lying.