Page 79 of Unlikely Omega

“But now humanity is betraying you, so what does that tell you?”

Taj snarls. “I wasn’t betrayed by anyone.”

“Yet,” I say. “Not yet. And you’re a selfish prick thinking that way when the rest of us are betrayed day after day in plain sight and you do nothing to help. Or will it only matter when it happens to you?” I wait for a few beats then go to sit on the other side of Ariadne. “No reply. I knew it.”

I don’t know why I’m so angry. Any sane person would do what Taj has been doing. Lying low. Hiding in plain sight. Saving his hide. Pretending he’s human.

I thought I’d buried my anger so deep it would never surface again, but I was wrong… because for some obscure reason, I…

I expected better from him.

Why? Because he smells good? Because Ariadne wants him? Because he bandaged my wound in his tent? Because he likes to joke and laugh and it intrigues me that someone might find light in the dark?

I wish I knew…

“The storm has passed,” Ariadne says after a while and I jerk.

Did I doze off? I never let my guard down like this, especially in such a situation but… it’s as if her scent and her voice lulled me to sleep, creating a bubble that felt like safety.

Fuck, this is dangerous. My attachment to her is dangerous, but too late now for second-guessing. I could have stayed, happy at the Temple.

Was I happy at the Temple?

I worry this over in my mind as she moves about the small shelter, bare feet shuffling on stone, as he produces a small grunt, probably sitting up, no, getting up, I think, when his boots scrape on the ground.

“Are you still alive, Priest? Oh sorry, what was it? Finnen Fiedor.”

“Sorry to disappoint but yes.” I start to push myself up and a gasp escapes me because, fuck, bruised muscles have contracted in the cold and now refuse to expand again. “Fuck…”

“Give me your hand.” He grabs it before I even think of a comeback, hauling me up. Not expecting his strength, I let out a startled oof as I’m hauled to my feet and pulled against him, crashing into his chest.

Is there a god or goddess out there trying to punish me for something? I mean, there’s a lot of sins to choose from lately, ranging from light to cardinal—but this is the second time in one night that I find myself chest to chest with him.

Or maybe Nyx has acquired a sense of humor.

As if lusting after Ariadne wasn’t bad enough, now I get breathless at this annoying man’s touch, too, helpless with desire like a little boy having his first wet dream.

Fuck me.

If my new goal is to protect Ariadne—a goal that came out of nowhere, just because meeting her turned my life upside down and inside out—how am I supposed to do that with an iron bar instead of a cock between my legs and my head full of fog?

“Come on, Finnen Fied—”

“Just Finn,” I grind out, pushing off him and stalking toward the sound of the rain, only to be grabbed again and hauled back. “What?”

“You were about to walk into a wall of rock,” he says wryly. “I thought you might not appreciate the new headache.”

“True. I have enough with the two of you as it is,” I grumble.

“So grouchy.”

“Fuck you.”

He has the gall to chuckle.

I wrench my arm free of his grip. Listen to the pattering rain. “Ari is right, the storm has passed. I’d say it’s time to go but I bet that the moment we step out of the shelter, your accursed men will drop on us like hawks and haul us back to the cage. Just so you know,” I turn back around and lift a finger, “I’ll kill them. I vowed in my cell back at the fort that I’d do anything to save Ariadne.”

“Finn.” Her voice is but a breath full of shock.