Page 63 of Unlikely Omega


My spine prickles with both anger and arousal, and the two are so intertwined I can’t tell them apart. If I was watching them? Is he serious, asking me that? Why wouldn’t I?

I gesture at the clothes a pageboy left on the table. “Get dressed. You bed down in here tonight and tomorrow at dawn we leave.”

“The army, huh?” Finn bares his teeth at me. “Running errands for your General like a squire instead of a Commander, and why is that? Because you’re marked as Fae-blood?”

“Shut up, priest.”

“How did it manifest in you?”

“Are we going to compare dicks or what?”

A small hesitation on his part. “Why, what’s up with your dick?”

I laugh, can’t help it. “You’re priceless, priest. Why don’t you tell me first what marked you as different?”

She peeks around his side and he lifts his arm and wraps it around her—an unconscious, thoughtless gesture that catches me off guard. I hadn’t realized they were that close. I mean, sure, they kissed and he almost died saving her…

Okay, I just didn’t want to think about it, it seems.


“I’m not telling you shit. Why should I give you more ammunition to offer to your General?” Finn sneers. “There’s no need. They’ll execute us anyway.”

I suppress a shiver and remind myself that I don’t give a fuck if they live or die. I don’t know these two, not really.

“Suit yourself,” I mutter and go to sit by the fire. I lean back in my chair with a sigh of relief as I stretch my aching legs in front of me. I reach for the liquor on the side table. There’s also a plate with bread, cheese and fruit. “After all, you’re the ones who keep saying we’re alike. I say we’re not.”

“Finn… don’t,” she says quietly and I catch a glimpse of her face as I pour myself two fingers of amber Schnaps. She’s worried, her pretty eyes shadowed.

His face is intent but giving away little.

I sip my drink, trying to ignore them. The flap of my tent opens, a guard steps inside, bows and carries over a financial report I need to sign, then bows again and leaves.

The priest and the omega girl are still standing a few feet away.

My gaze is drawn to the bulge in his beige underpants. The thin fabric doesn’t leave much to the imagination. The young priest is pretty well endowed.

Not as well as me, it goes without saying, but still… A nice package.

She’s still standing there, still dressed in her soaking robes, her cheeks flushed. Her eyes are on the priest. No question why. She also likes what she sees.

And her perfume… it’s intensifying.

Holy shit. I’m so fucking hard right now. Harder than I’ve ever been. In fact, in their presence I’ve been hard more often than I’ve been in the past year.

I take a piece of cheese from the covered dish and munch on them. Pretend not to care that they’re there, or what they do. Fucking General, sending me away to babysit them. I thought… I stupidly had thought I had found my place. My family. That I was considered an equal, a valid citizen of the empire.

Aras’ balls. I pour myself some more Schnaps. Down it. No, it’s a coincidence. Better still, a sign of respect. These are important prisoners. And I am in charge of taking them to the Summer Capital.

Oh, come on. Don’t kid yourself, Taj. Take the blinders off.


Something catches my eye just then, and I blink. I blink again.

Wait a moment…