By now I’m too exhausted to fight or ask questions. I only turn back occasionally, as much as the commander’s hold on me allows, to check on Finnen who has meanwhile woken up and is riding in front of one of the soldiers, his hands tied together. His white hair is matted with blood.
His mouth is set in a snarl.
“He’s looking at you,” the commander says in my ear, startling me. “Are you two lovers?”
“I told you, he’s blind.”
“Are you sure? He fought like he could see everything.”
“I’m sure.”
“And you haven’t answered my question.”
“It’s none of your business,” I hiss.
“Mm. I like feisty women. I’ve never had an omega before.”
“And you never will.”
“Pretty sure of yourself, are you? I smell how aroused you are.”
“What you smell is anger,” I inform him.
“Then your anger must be pretty sweet,” he replies as we enter the camp and after that, he only orders his men to take Finnen to what he calls a side tent and to go rest and eat.
“What about me?” I demand to know when he nudges his horse into a walk through the camp. “Am I your trophy? Where are you taking me?”
“Are all acolytes so aggressively rude?”
“Are all commanders such frigging cowards?”
His arm tightens until it cuts off my air. “I’m taking you to my tent.”
“Shut that pretty mouth of yours and do as you’re told, acolyte, or I’ll put it to other use.”
The threat is effective, but it only compounds the fear of what else he might do to me in his tent. “Let me go, you oaf!”
He sighs. “If I let you anywhere near men or women who like women, and I have quite a few good women warriors under my command, I can’t guarantee your safety.”
“But why? I don’t underst—”
“Are you so dense,” he barks, urging his horse on, “that you don’t realize what it means to be an omega about to have her heat? How your scent will drive any sane man or woman crazy? They’ll eat you alive.”
I freeze. Swallow hard. “Am I to understand that you’re taking me to your tent for my own protection? Not to take advantage of me?”
“Advantage.” He snorts. “You think you have rights?”
I shake my head. “Where is Finnen?”
“Your blind priest who isn’t your lover but would die on a spear trying to save you?”
I swallow again. My eyes burn. “Where is he? Is he okay? Bring him to your tent, too.”
“Oh, a threesome? I see. Is that your pleasure?”
I blink at him. “What?”