He moved, shifting his hips forward, sinking just a hint of himself inside her. And damn if just that small motion didn’t set her off. Had her already fighting not to finish because it wasn’t just the sex. It was him. Booker Hayes. The man who’d saved her life a dozen times today. And he was finally hers.
She must have moaned, or said his name, because he muttered something under his breath, then thrust forward, filling her with one smooth tilt of his hips. He paused, staring down at her as if waiting for some magical sign she wanted him to move, again, before dipping down —kissing her.
She must have given him whatever he wanted in that kiss because it set him off. Had him sliding out then pushing back in. Harder than before. Deeper. He didn’t stop this time, just kept moving. Eating at her mouth as he thrust in, then out.
Heat burned through her veins, igniting the nerve endings he’d just tortured until she wasn’t sure how she didn’t set them both on fire. Some kind of sexual combustion that would probably take the shack with it. Maybe even the jungle, despite the pouring rain. The possible flooding.
Callie cinched her arms around Booker’s back, pulling him closer. Needing more of his weight holding her down. That fear that she really would fly apart if he let go. He must have read her mind because he practically flattened her on that flimsy shirt, making it hard to suck in her next breath.
What she could only describe as heaven.
Another few minutes, and she was gasping to breathe. Not from his weight, but the sheer heat billowing through her core. Like a fire sucking up all the available oxygen. Another five, and she was chanting his name, again. Not loud, her voice already hoarse from his endless teasing, but he definitely heard it. Those two syllables rasped over and over.
Or maybe she was only getting the first out. Regardless, it had him upping his pace. His hips pumping so fast it shimmied them across the floor a bit. Had that shirt bunching up beneath her.
Booker clenched his jaw against her neck, grunting through the next few strokes before latching onto her shoulder. Giving her a firm love bite.
She broke.
No further build-up. No swirling of that heat in her belly then shattering outwards. She simply imploded. Whole one moment, then a thousand tiny pieces the next. Like the window in the Jeep. Nothing but fragments reflecting the dim light.
Booker kept moving, sending her higher before he rasped her name and emptied inside her in a series of jerking thrusts. What seemed to go on forever before he collapsed on top of her. Muscles still tense. His forehead resting on hers.
Definitely heaven.
Booker sucked in a few breaths, then tried to push to his elbows. It took him a few attempts, but he managed, finally staring down at her with those gorgeous eyes all bright and shining. Those shadows she’d noticed from earlier gone. Shattered like she’d been.
He smiled, and her stomach fluttered. The good kind with all the butterflies skittering around. The heat from earlier rekindling into a slow, warm burn. “Damn, sweetheart. I recognize that look. Are you jonesing for round two, already?”
She grinned, then punched her hips up a bit. Reminding him he hadn’t slipped out, yet. “I doubt I’ll ever not be ready where you’re concerned. That…”
“I’ll assume it met expectations?”
“Baby, you had any expectations exceeded before we even started. Simply getting naked did that. Making love to me…” She blew out a rough breath. “Let’s just say it’ll be worth you pulling slivers out of my ass for the next week.”
He frowned, as if taking stock of where they’d ended up, then closed his eyes. Groaned. “You should have told me I was shoving you across the damn floor.”
“You say that like I even noticed. Or cared. Already told you, you’re worth it.”
“Let’s hope you still feel that way when I have to poke you in the ass.”
Callie pushed onto her elbows, closing the distance between them. “Love me like that, again, and you can do anything you want to my ass.”
Was he breathing harder? Quicker? Or was that her chest pressing rapidly against his. Her heart bouncing around in her ribs.
“Didn’t the DEA teach you not to write blank checks?”
“They did. I just chose to break that rule where you’re concerned. After all, you did say you’d always have my back. Be the one man I know I can trust.”
“Remind me not to say things in the future that will curtail what filthy things I can do to you.” He eased over, grunting when he slipped free. “I swear I’d trade just about anything, right now, for a bed.”
She rolled onto her side. “I think we did just fine without one.”
“Hell yeah. But just thinking you might get scraped or cut…” He sighed, and damn if his statement didn’t pool tears behind her eyes. No one had ever worried about her like he did.
She smiled, running her finger along his chest. “I’m a big girl. I don’t mind a bit of rough play. But it sounds like you’re tabling those naughty things until we have better surroundings.”
“That, and because we need to figure out where we are and be ready to leave as soon as the storm dies down a bit. Bad guys with guns, remember?”