Making it there without Keith opening fire or his buddy charging across the room gave Booker a glimmer of hope. That maybe he’d be able to get Callie out without her getting shot. Killed. Of course, they might not both make it, but as long as she stayed alive, he could live with the fallout.
Even if living with it only lasted a second.
Keith tilted his head, scouring the room one more time before shrugging. “Which meant changing my tactics and getting ahead of the situation. You were the natural solution. I knew if there was someone above reproach assigned to the undercover job, no one would question it when that person’s team got caught in what appeared to be a gang war. Wrong place, wrong time. It was unfortunate you were the only one who fit the bill.”
Callie didn’t react. Didn’t give any indication she was worried Keith was constantly searching the shadows. She just stood her ground. Calm. Strangely detached. “I’m sure it really tore you up, inside. Though, I assume having the board wiped clean gave you some solace.”
“Hard to prove there’s a mole without any evidence. Speaking of which…” He waved his fingers at her. “I’ll take whatever you stole from the office.”
She laughed, shifting again and damn, she had good instincts. Had opened up Booker’s new sight lines as if she’d anticipated his strategy. Knew exactly where he was crouched. “As you can see, there isn’t anywhere to hide anything in this outfit.”
“Please, cell phones are extremely small, these days.”
“Do you really think I’d be stupid enough to bring a phone in here when I know it can be tracked, even if it’s off?” She nodded toward the side of the shack. “I tossed the camera out the window, just to be safe. I was gonna pick it up on the way out. But I’m sure that guy standing over in the shadows can find it, if he really tries. Or the other half a dozen lackies you have waiting outside.”
Keith glanced over his shoulder, then back to her, that stupid grin crinkling the corners of his eyes. “See? You’re a bit too good for my well-being. And I know you took more than just photos. I want the recorder, too. And I have no doubts you could squeeze it into those pants, wet or not.”
She sighed, raised her hands, then slowly spun, pausing with her back to Keith as her gaze found his, held for a second, before she turned, again. Focused on Keith. “Nothing underneath these clothes but skin. And you’re crazy if you think you can just cap me, here, and not have it turn into another international incident. My new boss knows where I am. What I’m doing. There’s no way he’ll believe I just stumbled upon another gang war when I’ve already told him I know there’s a mole.”
“You’re putting a lot of faith in Ted Higgins. What do you even know about the man? You’ve only been part of his office for a year.”
“Apparently time isn’t the best judge of character because I’ve known you for damn near fifteen, and you still turned out to be a lying son of a bitch.” She nodded at the creep still standing in the doorway, lowering her hand until it was within reach of her gun. “Are we just going to stand here, Keith, or are we going to get this party started?”
“I’m not going to kill you. You’re worth more to me alive.”
“Since when?”
“Since you survived my first attempt. It’s like you said… Killing you now would raise suspicions. Have Higgins asking too many uncomfortable questions. But I would like to know where your partner is?”
“What partner?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Calliope. I’ve been on to you since the airport. I know about your rendezvous at that air strip, and your rather impressive escape in that helicopter. Mad skills, I’m told. The funny thing is, you’re not a pilot.”
“Are you sure about that? A lot can happen in a year.”
“Oh, so you learned to fly while you were entertaining drug cartel? I know you’re not alone.”
Callie shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. “He’s waiting at the chopper.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“I needed a pilot. Nothing more.” She cocked her head over, shaking out her hand in what Booker assumed was her way of getting ready to draw. “I doubt it’ll come as a surprise that I’m not very trusting these days.”
Keith didn’t move, just stood there, occasionally scanning the shadows. “Or maybe you enlisted the help of someone you already trust. Someone you’re confident can’t be bought. I can think of a few of your contacts who might have the skill to fly a chopper in this weather and not plow it into a tree. But one who has the moves to evade another helicopter at the same time, who’s also skilled enough to back you up? Who’d jump on a plane without hesitation and from nothing more than your word? That’s a limited list. In fact, only one name springs to mind, andthat guywouldn’t let you out of his sight. Too much honor. Isn’t that right, Captain Hayes?”
Booker shut down the app, tucking his phone in his pocket. He grabbed one of the mini smoke canisters, hooking the pin around his thumb before standing. No hiding or hesitating. He simply stood then moved out, hands out to either side — his Sig within reach at his waist. “It’s just Booker, now. I’m retired.”
Keith smiled. “You’re going to be permanently retired unless you do exactly what I say, because unlike Calliope, you don’t have to be part of the plan.”
“That would be a shame. I was just starting to put it all together.”
Keith pointed to Booker’s shoulder. “Throw me the bag, or I’ll risk the repercussions and just kill you both, now. And don’t bother going for your gun, or my associate will ensure you’re both dead before Callie can even draw.”
“Well, when you ask so nicely...”
He made a point of easing the pack off his shoulder, removing the pin from the grenade as he went, before tossing them both toward Keith. The canister bounced across the floor, each hit sending a small shrill through the air. Keith gasped, diving out of the way as Booker drew his gun — shattering the light before catching the guy racing in from the door. Sending him tumbling backwards just as Callie laid down more cover rounds. Buying Booker enough time to grab her and the bag then make a run for the window behind them.