Page 75 of Hunter's Mission

“What do you need the berries for!” I yelled in his face.

“The frogs. . . it’s their favorite.”

“You pathetic bastard. You wanted us dead so we couldn’t share our Inocea Berry Ointment. Is. . . is that it?” I struggled to comprehend this was happening.

His bloodshot eyes seemed to look through me. “I’m a better scientist than you’ll ever be.”

I shuddered my fury.

“Let's go.” Hunter wrapped his hand around my arm, pulling me away.

I yanked my arm free. “You’re not a scientist. You’re a murderer. Innocent people like Na-lynied died because of you. And you tried to kill me, Neville.”

A bloody globule slipped down his chin.

“Who else is involved? You didn’t do this alone. You’re not smart enough.” Out the corner of my eye, Wyatt and Gunn sifted through the lab equipment.

“Fuck you. This frog drug is my creation. All mine.” A weird smile crossed his lips, and he coughed a bloody breath.

“Bullshit. If you don’t tell me who helped you, I’ll let you die right here.” I clenched my fists and jaw, hoping he fell for my bluff. As much as I hated him, I didn’t want his death on my conscience.

“Neville.” I squatted at his side. “Don’t let them get away with this. Tell me who helped you.”

“Layla, we have to go.” Hunter squeezed my wrist.

“Wait,” I snapped. “He’s working with someone. I need to find out who.”

“Let’s roll.” Wyatt’s voice bounced off the moss-covered walls.

I tried not to cringe as I placed my hand on Neville’s chest. “Hey, come on, don’t you want to do the right thing?”

My heart boomed in my chest as his eyes fixed on me, but as the light faded from his irises, my miniscule opportunity to obtain answers slipped away.

My world melted around me.

Hunter lifted me to my feet.

“That bastard was working with someone,” I yelled.

Hunter wrapped me in a bear hug. “We’ll find out who.”

“You’re damn right we will.” I pulled out of his grip and raced to the tables and equipment. “There must be clues here. Quick, Cody, search his stuff.”

“Anyone have a camera?” Hunter called out.

“I do.” Gunn held up his cell phone.

“Good. Take photos of everything—Neville's body, the lab, frogs, berries, those soldiers outside. We need all the evidence we can get.”

As everyone spread out, I rummaged through papers and notepads scattered across the table, but I couldn’t stop looking at all those poor frogs.

“Cody, we have to release these frogs, help me.” I raced around the other side of the table and reached into the tank.

“Layla, stop!” Cody yelled. “They’re poisonous.”

I yanked my hand out. “Shit. Help me carry the tank outside.”

Hunter groaned like he’d swallowed a coconut whole. “Move aside.” He shoved me backwards. “Wyatt, help out here.”