He pulled on a handle, and a rope whipped right out of the engine. He stumbled backward and just about fell over the side.
“Fuck!” He pegged the handle into the boat.
My stomach twisted into knots.
When is this nightmare going to end?
Our bullet-riddled boatwouldn’t start and didn’t have paddles, and now we were trapped in the wild current, racing along a river that would not release us from its claws.
Frustration darkened Hunter’s handsome features as he studied the trees on the opposite side of the river that we cruised past. He pulled a plastic bag from his vest, removed his GPS, and scowling, he jabbed a few buttons.
Clinging onto the boat siding, I scanned the dense jungle that loomed along the edge of the river. In the dark shadows amongst the vegetation, anything could be lurking—especially more men with guns. I pulled my hair back into the band that had nearly escaped in the rushing water and pretending I was some kind of superwoman, I said, “We’ll just have to swim to shore.”
“Yep. We sure do.” He studied the GPS and checked the river ahead. “We’re coming up to a bend in the river. That’s when we’ll jump.”
Shielding the sun with my hand, I squinted at the million lights twinkling across the water. The river was moving damn fast. If we didn’t swim quickly enough, we could be swept downstream in seconds.
“We can do this, Layla.” Confidence emanated from his tone. “You already did the hard part with securing this boat.”
The boat wobbled as Hunter shuffled toward me. He squeezed my hand. “We’ll do this together, okay?”
I nodded.
He winked. “That’s my girl.”
He believed in me. Pride swelled in me like I’d never felt before and I squeezed his hand, drawing on his strength and praying that I didn’t let him down.
As we huddled together, drifting aimlessly in the relentless current, my nerves zinged like hi-tensile wire and impossible questions thumped into my brain like a jackhammer.
What if I don’t swim hard enough?
What if Hunter and I get separated and I never see him again?
What if I get attacked by a croc? Or Hunter does?
“The bend is coming up,” he said, snapping me from my rotten thoughts. “Get ready to jump.”
He put the GPS away and twisted his rifle around to his back. “When we hit the water, swim as hard as you can. I’ll be with you the whole way.”
“I will.” Swallowing was like trying to shove dirt down my throat.
“Ready.” He put one foot on the side of the boat.
I did the same.
“Set.” He pointed to the enormous trunk of a tree along the riverbank. “Swim toward that tree.”
Panic surged through me. My heart boomed in my chest.
“Jump.” He gripped my waist, launching me into the air. My feet hit the river first, and my chest and face slapped the water. I scrambled for the surface.
Hunter grabbed my arm. “Swim, Layla,” he yelled in my ear.
Pushing my body to the limit, I curled my arms and kicked my legs like a black caiman was on my tail.