He charged toward me and I screamed.
“Layla!” His eyes scanned my face.
“Hunter?” My heart leaped into my throat. “Oh my god! You came.”
He sliced the twine binding my wrists and pulled me to my feet.
“Thank you," I whispered as tears streamed down my face. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Yeah, well, we need to get the fuck outta here. You ready, Wyatt?” Hunter’s frantic voice shot spears of dread through me.
The second man cut Cody free and helped him to stand. “Yep, let’s roll.”
Hunter grabbed my hand. “Layla, is there a back way out of here?”
“Yes. That way.” I pointed down the hall. “What’s going on?”
“Armed men are about to attack,” Hunter said.
Wyatt supported Cody to stand.
“What armed men?” I asked.
“We don't have time to explain. Move!” Hunter pulled me toward the door.
“Follow me.” My voice was surprisingly steady despite the fear crashing through me. I led them down the hall, past the dormitory room where the bunkbeds had been reduced to a pile of timber and a mountain of mattress stuffing. The windows had been smashed and it seemed every piece of clothing Cody owned was spread across the room.
My room had suffered the same fate, and my suitcase which had been under the bed was in two pieces.
Gunshots exploded somewhere behind us.
“Fucking move!” Hunter yelled.
I ran to the storage room which had also been trashed, and I climbed over a pile to get a clear view.
“There.” I pointed across the room to the back door.
“Son of a bitch!” Hunter scrambled toward the door. Piles of boxes and gear were wedged up against it.
Hunter and Wyatt yanked the boxes away.
“Stand back.” Hunter pulled his gun from his holster, shoved open the door, dove outside, and somersaulted into a crouch position, then panned his gun left then right. “Clear.”
He waved us forward.
“Go. Go. Go.” Wyatt shoved Cody and me out the door.
Hunter waved us to run past him into the lush foliage that seemed darker than ever. And sinister. Like even the trees had a death wish for us.
I reached the bushes first and turned to help Cody.
“Move!” Hunter hissed as he raced past me, running through the bushes like a bulldozer.
As we shoved through the vegetation, shouts and gunshots rang out behind us.
“What the hell is going on?” I asked.
“Layla!” Hunter urged me forward. “Just run!”