Page 80 of A Lethal Betrayal

“Nice to be able to call out the big guns,” Koa said.

Dane shifted in the driver’s seat. “We’re following the wrong guy then. We need to find Ainsley. He’s gonna be the one selling the motherboards if he hasn’t done so already.”

“How are we gonna find him?” Tac asked.

“Good question,” Jace said. “I can ask Cross to call him and see where he is.”

Cain said, “But then we’d have to bring Cross into this. I think it’s better if he stays on the outside of it at the moment.”

“Agreed.” Dane didn’t want any more bigwigs involved in this than absolutely necessary. It always meant trouble.

“We could call Manu and ask him to triangulate Ainsley’s cell,” Tac suggested.

“That’s an idea,” Cass agreed. “Do you think the kid is home?”

“Dunno. I’ll call him.” Cain clicked off the earbud again.

Dane stared through the restaurant window at Cross. “Do you think he knows anything about all this? He made that whole speech about everything going through him. He tasked the entire CGIS staff to search for the Navy’s missing weapons. It’s a hell of a way to control the board when you’re playing a dangerous game.”

Koa rubbed his stomach. “Yes, but did he decide to do that on his own, or did Ainsley suggest it to him and manipulate him into doing it? Ainsley is the organizer, so it strikes me as something he would do.”

Cain’s voice came through the comms again. “I’m waiting for Manu to get back to me. I asked Finn Walsh about Cross,” he said. “According to office scuttlebutt, Cross had an affair with a married co-worker who happened to be the daughter of a senator. It caused a huge mess, and Cross was sent out here as punishment. He’s desperate to get back to the mainland and get his career back on track. Finding the missing weapons was his ticket out of here.”

“That makes sense,” Cass said. “Ainsley suggests it, and Cross jumps at the chance. Wonder what will happen now?”

“Manu,” Cain said, and then silence resonated through Dane’s earbud. Then, “Got it. Yeah. Will do. Everyone back in your cars. Jace, ride with Tac and Cass. Ainsley is currently heading away from the Kahala. Mac’s cell pings with his.”

Breath whooshed out of Dane’s lungs like someone had just sucker-punched him in the gut. He couldn’t suck in any oxygen. He couldn’t connect two thoughts, as if his brain was short circuiting. Mac was with Ainsley. Was she safe? Did she know he was behind it all, or was it just some innocent thing? Dane trusted his instincts and nothing felt innocent with Ainsley.

“Dane, call her,” Koa demanded.

Dane pulled out his cell and hit the call button as he took off down the street. Cain was behind him, and the others were in a van at the end of the convoy. The call went to voicemail. He tried again, but still no answer. He told the others.

“That’s not good,” Jace said.

“No, it’s not.” Cain agreed.

Dane couldn’t think like that. He had to believe she was okay. That she was safe. That Ainsley was just checking on her. Because if it was something different, if he had her hostage, Dane would kill him. He wouldn’t hesitate. Not one second. If he hurt a hair on Mac’s head, Dane would make sure Ainsley paid dearly.

He weaved in and out of traffic. “Do we know exactly where they are? What’s Ainsley driving?”

“Manu is keeping me updated. Ainsley is heading to the other side of the island. Traffic’s light. We should be able to catch up to him in about ten minutes if we’re lucky,” Cain said. “I’ll call Sinclair and ask him about Ainsley’s car.”

Dane stepped on the accelerator harder. Ten minutes would be excruciating if she was being held captive. He didn’t want anything else to happen to her. She’d been through enough. Icy fingers touched his heart at the thought of Ainsley holding Mac hostage. It was incomprehensible that this was happening. He tossed his cell to Koa. “Try her again.”

Koa hit the button on the phone and listened but then shook his head. “No answer.”

Cain came back online. “Sinclair says Ainsley drives a Tesla, but he’s not in it now.”

“How does he know that?” Dane demanded.

“Because he’s staring at it in the parking lot at CGIS headquarters.”

Fuck!Dane ground his teeth. What the hell was he driving? How were they going to find them?

“Where are they?” he demanded.

“Manu says they’re…shit.” Cain went silent.