Page 68 of A Lethal Betrayal

They arrived back at the hotel and went to their rooms. Mac walked into the foyer and then headed toward her door. It was late, and her posture and the dark rings under her eyes were a clue she was exhausted. She seemed to have stiffened even more on the drive over, and she had repeatedly rubbed her temples like she had a headache. The pinched skin around her eyes hadn’t been there earlier, despite the concussion.

Damn, it had been a hell of a day.

She opened her room door and then turned. “I’m going to crash. What time will we move in the morning?”

“Oh-eight-hundred seems early enough,” Cain said as he walked into the other room. “Night,” he called.

Dane leaned against her doorjamb. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She sighed. “Just been a long day. I’ve got bruises on top of bruises now.”

“You want me to get you some Advil?”

She laughed. “You guys arealwaystaking them.”

“We’re a group of misfits and broken toys. It takes all kinds of things to get us through the day.”

“Broken toys, huh?”

He shrugged. “Pretty much.”

“I’m good, but thanks. See you in the morning.”

He nodded and stepped back. She started to close the door then stopped. “Hey, Dane? Thanks for saving my life.”

He just nodded. He couldn’t get the words out through the lump in his throat. He’d seen her almost die twice today. He couldn’t take much more.

When she closed the door, disappointment rocketed through him. What did he expect? A repeat of earlier? An invitation to share her bed, with her snuggled into him? Not a chance. That little interlude was over. He’d known it as soon as Sinclair announced who he really was. Mac had been taken for a ride, and nobody was getting in after that. At least,hewouldn’t let anyone in. He got it and didn’t blame her for a second.

And then being shot at again after that? Yeah, she needed some time to process everything. He should keep his distance. Probably for the best anyway. He had to concentrate on other things, namely getting himself back in the best shape possible. It hurt like a son of a bitch at the moment, and if he stayed in this condition, his spot on the team was in serious jeopardy.

He walked into the other bedroom, sat down on the sofa, and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes.

“Misfit toys, huh?” Cass said.

He opened one eye and looked at her. “What would you call us?”

“I think broken toys sums us up. The Island of Misfit toys, isn’t that what it was called?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, and we live on an island. Maybe we’re misfits. Maybe that’s better than broken.”

“Nah,” Cain said as he came out of the bathroom, “you’re all broken.”

“Asshole,” Cass said without heat.

Cain sat down on the other end of the couch. “But I was broken once, too. This team will put you guys back together. You won’t be the same, but you’ll be better. Stronger as a team than you ever were on your own.”

Dane had a sneaking suspicion Cain was right. Dane already felt much better about life since he’d joined the team three months ago. Things were coming together. If his team leader said, “Do Pilates,” then who was he to argue? Cain had done right by him so far.

“I’m gonna take the first watch,” Cass said and left the room.

Dane stayed on the couch. He knew he should get up, but he was somewhat comfortable, and his give-a-damn was too busted to make the effort.

* * *

Jace hit Dane’s foot. “You want coffee?”

He opened his eyes and blinked.