Page 66 of A Lethal Betrayal

Sinclair stopped lifting his beer for a sip. “Why?”

Dane leaned forward and put his arms on the table. “I’d forgotten, but when you said about the other islands, a memory popped into my brain. When I was on Owens’s team, Probert used to talk about a shack he and a friend shared over in Kauai where they’d go hunting wild boar.”

Sinclair brought out his notebook and made a note. “Do you have the friend’s name?”

Trying to remember, Dane blew out a long breath. “Charlie. Charlie…Helm I think.”

“Well, it’s a place to start. Thanks.” Sinclair looked up. “What are you going to do?”

Cain narrowed his eyes. “We’re going to keep Mac safe and take a fresh look at things in the morning. There’s got to be more loose threads to pull. We just have to find them.”

Sinclair frowned. “Look, I know you don’t want to let me know where you’re staying. At least, take my cell number so if anything comes up, you can reach out. I want to solve this. Casper was an asshole, but I still need to catch his killer. I think it’s the boss of the operation, and I want to nail his or her ass to the wall.”

Dane pulled out the new burner cell Jace had gotten him and programmed in Sinclair’s number. “We’ll reach out if there’s anything.”

Cain stood and put money on the table. He rattled off a phone number. “Got it?” he asked Sinclair.

“Yeah. That’s not your number, though. It’s a D.C. area code.” Sinclair stood as well.

“It’s someone who can reach us in a hurry if you need us. We’ll be in touch.”

Dane and Mac stood. His back twinged but nothing like it had been hurting earlier. Sex seemed to have released some of the tightness. He bit back a smile.Good to know.Mac, on the other hand, seemed to be stiffening up. She was moving a bit more gingerly than she had been earlier.

They left the restaurant and waited on the street. Cass arrived driving a different SUV. Must be a rental. Dane had opened the door when Jace’s voice reverberated in his eardrum. “Gun!”

Dane grabbed Mac and spun so he hit the ground beside the SUV, taking the brunt of their fall on his back, and then rolled to cover her with his body.

The shots came in one long burst. Glass shattered. They shot up the SUV and then the tires. The sound of a motorcycle revving and taking off ricocheted around them. People were screaming.

“I’m on him,” Tac said, and then there was the sound of another engine revving and tires screeching.

“Are you okay?” He looked into Mac’s eyes. They were wide with fear, and she was having a hard time catching her breath. “Just breathe slowly. Take deep breaths,” Dane instructed.

“Sitrep,” Cain demanded.

“Cass, you okay?” Dane called.

He was met with a string of curses, long and loud. “Fuckers tore a hole in my jacket.”

“She’s good,” Jace said. “Me, too.”

Dane pulled Mac into a sitting position and, at her nod, hoisted her to her feet. “You, okay?”

“Yes,” she croaked. “That was just so unexpected.”

“Sonofabitch! I lost him.” Tac’s voice sounded in his earbud. “He got away in traffic.”

Cain said, “Don’t worry about it, just head back here.”

“Holy shit!” Tac yelled.

“What?” Dane demanded.

“Koa just shot past me on his Ducati. He’s still after the guy.”

Cain was standing next to Dane and Mac. He looked at the two of them. “I don’t like him on his own.”

Cass came around the SUV. “Do you want me to go after him?”