Page 49 of A Lethal Betrayal

“Yeah, so I’ve heard.” The last thing she wanted to talk about was the fact that she was homeless. When Collins glanced at Cass, Mac introduced everyone. “Oh, sorry. Cass is a friend.” It just seemed easier to leave it there.

“I see.” Collins smiled at her. “Do you think, Cass, you could maybe give us a few minutes? We need to ask Mac some questions about what happened.”

So…not a social visit. They were here to question her. The heat crawled up her neck to her cheeks. It was hard to keep swallowing her anger. Did no one give a shit that someone tried to blow her up? “Where is Casper?” she demanded. It came out of her mouth before she even thought about it.

“No idea. We’ve been trying to reach him,” Nelson admitted. “But you know Casper. He loves to go fishing on the weekend. He goes out Friday night and doesn’t come back until Sunday afternoon. No one can reach him.”

He had the decency to look slightly embarrassed, which he should. Her boss should be here. He’d made a point of telling her he was going to work all weekend. So much for that, but she wasn’t really surprised.

“So, um, Cass could you give us a few minutes?” Collins asked again.

Cass looked up from her phone. “No.”

They both looked incredulously at the agent who’d nonchalantly returned her attention to her phone. Mac had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. It got better every time. Hilarious. No one ever expected her to say no. It made Mac feel infinitely better for a moment.

Nelson shot Mac a look. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist.”

“I’ll save you the trouble,” Cass said, looking up. “I’m Tactical Law Enforcement. My clearance level is way beyond yours. Anything you have to say to Mac, you can say in front of me. If you recall, someone just tried to kill her. Nope, not leaving her side. You have a problem with anything I’ve just said, take it up with my boss.” Cass went back to browsing her phone.

The two men looked at Mac and then at each other. Collins stammered, “Er, well I…guess…that is—"

“Let me make this easy, guys,” Mac said. “I’m tired, and I have a headache. If you want to know what happened, now is your moment. Assistant Director Cross just put me on leave for a week. Once I’m out of here, I’ll probably head back to the mainland.”

Nelson got out his notebook, and Mac told her story again. There was nothing new to add. No new revelations. She didn’t mention that she spent the night at Dane’s. She didn’t even mention his name, just that she’d been with a friend, which she was pretty sure they assumed was Cass.

Collins closed his notebook. “Okay, we’ll be in touch if anything else comes up. We’ll leave so you can get some rest.”

Mac just stared at them; her lips pressed tightly together so she wouldn’t sound off. They not only were working on the bombing of her apartment, but would probably get her case, too, the murder of Senior Agent Owens, the one she’d just been relieved of, the one that had caused her to get blown up in the first place. She was beyond pissed about all of it.

“You take care, Mac,” Nelson said as he and Collins started toward the door.

“You, too,” she croaked and then collapsed back on the pillows as soon as they were out the door.

“You okay?” Cass asked.

“Just tired. I have a headache.” She closed her eyes.

Cass glanced at her phone screen. “The guys want to know if it’s okay for them to come by.”

She opened her eyes. “Sure. That would be good. Tell them to bring dinner. I’m starving again. What time is it?”

“Dinnertime. I’ll get them to bring food.”

“Also”—Mac adjusted herself on her pillows—“no one seems to have heard from Casper. Can you ask the guys to see if they can locate him? He told me he was working all weekend, but he might have decided to blow it off and go fishing, which is probably more likely. I would just feel better if we knew for sure.”

Cass’s thumbs flew across the screen. “Will do. You rest until they get here.”

That sounded like a great idea to her. The last twenty-four hours had been a roller coaster, and she was exhausted. Kissing Dane had kept her up all night. It was stupid, but the electricity between them was a live wire; dancing and arcing, drawing her closer.

It didn’t hurt that he was also smart and sexy as hell. The fact that he liked animals and was obviously crazy about his cat was just the icing on the cake. Too bad he still saw her as the enemy.

Too bad someone else saw her as the enemy as well. They’d tried to blow her up. she just needed to figure out why.


“Mac asked if we could locate her boss before we go to the hospital. Anyone got any ideas?” Tac asked.

Dane, Jace, and Koa were on their way back to the hospital, Jace was driving. The team was having a quick check-in via speakerphone.