Page 47 of A Lethal Betrayal

A wicked grin lit Cass’s face. “And fries. I figured you could eat a horse right about now. I loveUber Eats.” She placed the bag on Mac’s rolling tray. “Let me shut the door so we don’t get yelled at for starting a riot. If the other patients catch a whiff, all hell will break loose. By the way, your car is now in the parking lot.”

Mac smiled back. “You rock. This is awesome. Wait, how did you get my car?”

“I had Tac drop it off.”

“But he didn’t have keys…” She frowned. “You know what? I don’t want to know. Sometimes, it’s better not to ask.”

Cass smiled. “Ain’t that the truth.” She laid the food out in front of Mac and helped her get comfortable. “Enjoy.”

Mac dug in and finished her meal in record time. She leaned back on the pillows and relaxed. “So, what did the guys say about my stuff?”

Cass packed up all the garbage and moved the tray out of the way before answering. “Um, some might be salvageable.”

“Bullshit,” Mac spat. “You’re trying to be kind.”

Cass met her gaze. “Yeah. Sorry. They said it was probably a total write-off. Your bedroom might have some salvageable stuff, but it doesn’t look good. What the explosion didn’t get, the fire department drenched with water afterward.”

Mac let out a long breath. “But I’m still here so that’s the main thing. No one got hurt.”

Cass nodded. “Good attitude. That’ll help.”

“Yeah. This is going to truly suck.” A good attitude wasn’t going to cut it.

“Did you have insurance?”

Mac nodded.

“That’s good. Look at it this way. You get to go shopping to replace your entire wardrobe. That’s not all bad.”

Mac raised her eyebrows. She hadn’t pictured Cass as a big shopper. “I never thought of that. I don’t even know where to go really. I brought all my stuff from the mainland.”

“Oh, I can show you. I know all the best stores.” Cass blushed. “Shopping is kind of my thing. Don’t tell the guys. They’d never let me live it down.”

“I won’t tell your secret if you promise to help me with the shopping. I needed a new wardrobe anyway. I’m not good at that sort of thing.”

“Oh, we’ll definitely go. We’ll have a great time. Promise.” With that, Cass went back to checking her phone.

Mac settled on her pillows and closed her eyes. Casper. Where the fuck was Casper? He should have shown up by now.

When there was a knock at the door, Mac opened her eyes. John Bishop Cross stood in the doorway. “I hope I’m not interrupting.” He was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and gray suit pants. The white shirt showed off his tan and made his blue eyes pop. The man had charisma to match his good looks.

Behind him was Neil Ainsley, looking disheveled as usual. His brown suit pants looked like he’d slept in them, and his light blue shirt had a coffee stain on the sleeve. He’d probably spent the night at the office with everything that was going on. Cross would have fresh clothes to change into and a chance to shower. Ainsley would never be given that kind of consideration. It was as if Ainsley was the storer of all the bad, stressful stuff and Cross was the face of everything else.

Mac was suddenly conscious of how she must look. Who was she to pick on Ainsley’s appearance when she must look like a truck hit her? Fuck it. She really didn’t care. Cross was a political animal. She doubted he even knew her name before almost getting blown up today, and she didn’t care about Ainsley at all.

“Can we come in?” Cross asked.

“Of course.” She shifted gingerly into a sitting position.

“Oh, please don’t move on my account. I just wanted to see for myself that you were okay.” He turned to face Cass, and she stood.

She was taller than the average woman, about five-foot-ten if Mac had to guess, and with her long blond hair and striking eyes, she was a knockout.

Cross took notice. “CGIS Deputy Director John Cross.” He offered his hand. “We didn’t have a chance to meet when we were with the senator at your hangar yesterday.”

She looked at the hand and then looked at him. “Cass,” was all she said. She barely touched his hand before dropping it. She did the same with Ainsley after he offered his name. Cass crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the deputy director. Mac’s heart soared at the exchange. She’d never seen anyone put Cross in his place faster. It was heavenly.

Cross’s smile wobbled as he turned back to Mac. “Is there anything I can get you?” He waved to Ainsley, who was hovering at the end of the bed.