Page 45 of A Lethal Betrayal

Both young men avoided looking at him, Paul gazing out over the field and Chan down at his feet.

“You’ve got to the count of three, and then the drone is destroyed. “One…two… Okay,” he said and started walking back toward the Jeep.

“You didn’t say three,” Paul called. “You said you would count to three.”

“I lied,” Dane called over his shoulder.

“Fine. Fine! I’ll tell you!” shouted Paul.

Dane turned and came back. “Okay, Paul, who did you give the package to?”

“I don’t know,” the kid whined. Dane rolled his eyes and turned to walk away. “Wait, wait. I swear I don’t know. That’s the beauty of the drone, man. I picked up the package, and the guy used the video feed to verify that it was picked up. He told me where to leave it, and I did. He viewed the feed and then paid me the money. Fastest grand I ever made.”

“You have no idea who the guy is?”

Paul shook his head.

“How did you meet him?”

“We didn’t meet. I got an email, and he laid out what he wanted. Was I willing to do it? Sure. I mean, it’s a few minutes of work for a thousand bucks. It’s a no-brainer.”

“I’m going to need to see the wire transfer. I need the number of the account it came from.”

“Dude.” Paul frowned like Dane had shit for brains. “Bitcoin.”

He should have known. Fucking cryptocurrency was the bane of every law enforcement branch. “Do you know anything about the guy?”

Paul shook his head.

“What about you, Chan?”

“He went by the name TigerKing. That’s it. That’s all I got.”

He nodded to Jace and Koa. They let the guys go.

“Here’s the deal. If this guy, this TigerKing”—he scoffed—"contacts you again, you’re gonna text me right away. Do you understand? Because if I find out you didn’t, I will take your drone away and report you. Are we clear?”

“Yes,” Paul mumbled.

“Sure,” Chan agreed.

Dane gave them his cell. He also took their full names and their cell numbers. “I mean it, guys. Stop being stupid.”

They both nodded, and Paul moved forward and picked up the drone.

Dane, Koa, and Jace watched them move quickly across the field and climb into an old beat-up minivan. “We need to get back to the hangar. Maybe we can track down the name,” Jace said as they watched the minivan drive off.

“I kinda wish we had grabbed them.” Jace put his hand out to Dane.

Dane frowned, but when he figured out what Jace wanted, he dug the Advil out of his pocket and tossed it to him. “I know what you mean. At least then we’d know that they weren’t going to email TigerKing and tell him we’re on to him.”

“Sometimes being on the right side of the law sucks,” Koa stated and then took off toward the Jeep.

Dane sighed. “He’s not wrong.” His gut tightened.

There was more trouble brewing, and they were going to be right in the middle of it. He could only hope things went their way, but with what had happened so far, he wasn’t counting on it.