Page 31 of A Lethal Betrayal

She sagged against the back of the seat in relief. “Do we know what kind? How far away can they be and still track us? Do they have to be close, or are they sitting at home right now?”

“All good questions but ones we don’t have answers for.” Dane started driving aimlessly. There was no way he was going home. He could go back to Sand Island, but the team agreed it was better if his tracker thought Dane was on his own. They settled on having him drive around Diamond Head for a bit.

Fifteen minutes later, Cain stated, “There’s no tail I can see. I think the tracking is from afar.”

“Shit,” Koa said. “Jace, is there a way to use the device to trace it back to its owner?”

“That’s above my pay grade.”

Dane sighed.

“What?” Mac demanded.

“We can’t find who is tracking us. We’re discussing if we can use the tracking device to locate the owner, but we don’t have someone who can do that.”

“I do,” she said.

Dane flicked a glance at the mirror again. “You do?”

“Yeah. There’s a kid in my office. If anyone can do it, he can.”

“Can you call him? Can he work on this now?”

She leaned forward. “He can, but only if you tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Dane cursed silently. They’d walked into that one. He relayed the information back to Cain, and it was decided they would meet back at Sand Island at the hangar. Chances were good that whoever had tagged Dane’s SUV knew he was Coast Guard and his team was working on Owens’s death. He also gave Mac the go-ahead to call in her guy.

Thirty minutes later, Dane parked in front of the hangar. The rest of the team was already there. Tac came forward with a flashlight and immediately crawled under Dane’s SUV. A minute later, he was on his feet with a GPS tracker in his hand.

A tall, geeky-looking kid came forward. “Hi, Mac.”

“Hey, Manu.”

“Is that what you want me to track?”

“Yeah. Can you do it?” she asked as Tac handed him the device.

He frowned and held it up under the outside lights of the hangar. “I can, but I don’t have to. It’s one of ours.”


“What do you mean it’s one of ours?” Mac couldn’t get her head around it.

Manu frowned. “I mean, it’s the same kind we use. I’m pretty sure it’s ours. See that number?” He pointed to a number etched into the side of the unit. “We put those there so we can track them better.”

She squeezed her eyes shut and muttered a couple of choice curses. “Son of a—” She opened her eyes again. “Manu, can you find out who signed this one out?”

“Oh, sure.” He looked around for a moment and then put the GPS device on the hood of the SUV. Then he brought out his laptop and put it there as well. He opened the screen and then started typing. Within seconds, he stopped.

“What is it?” she asked. Her stomach was already at her knees.

“That’s weird.”

“What?” She was very aware that the whole team was standing there listening to this. She’d prefer to find this out in private, but there was no way in hell Dane, or the rest of them, would let her. She knew that by the expressions on their faces.

“It’s just…” He frowned.

“Just what, Manu?” she demanded through clenched teeth.Just get it over with.