Page 29 of A Lethal Betrayal

The voice was too low for Dane to make out any words. Did he know the guy? Was it one of Owens’s teammates? He wasn’t sure. Still trying to bring his gun out, he shifted his weight slightly forward. Contact. His dick was now pressed against Rankin. Was it her hip? Maybe. There was no other way he could shift. He had to stay that way until his gun was free.

The smell of her hair—he’d been right about her preference for citrus—was getting to him. Her breath was on his neck. Had it just sped up? Her breasts crushed to his chest were not helping the situation. He was starting to get hard, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Running math problems in his head wasn’t smart because he needed to focus on the guy in the closet with them. So his dick was gonna swell. She’d have to deal. He was human and she was sexy as hell.

He swallowed and tried to control his body, but it was no use. His gun was out from his waistband, and now he was slowly moving it down by his side.

“I did what you said! But it’s not working.” Hoodie was getting agitated.

Dane tried to see, but the man moved out of his sliver of view. The voice was too muffled for it to be recognizable.

Finally, Dane’s gun was free and resting on his right thigh. He shifted his weight back and managed to get an inch or two of distance between his dick and Rankin’s soft curves.

Suddenly, she leaned into him, and his back pressed against God knows what, something with hard beads and buckles, making him super uncomfortable. Good. Maybe that would stop him from getting hard again.

“I’m hooked on your belt,” she said in a voice that was barely a whisper.

What?It took a second for what she’d said to sink in. Her belt was hooked on his. He was tempted to just stay that way until the intruder was gone but if something happened and he had to move quickly, they would both go down. Fuck. He nodded once.

“The light on the box went green.” Hoodie seemed calmer now.

Dane slowly bent his knees as he tried to lift her slightly with a hand wrapped around her, but her buckle was still caught in behind his. He did the move again, but they were stuck together. This was pure torture. Now he was rubbing on her. Jesus. He was hard as rock, and there was no way to hide it.

He tried one more time to lift her. This time she brought up her hand, which ran up the length of him, as she found her way to their buckles. There was no mistaking her accidental touch on his hard-on. He was sunk. Nothing he could do. She’d just have to get over it.

She went up on her tiptoes again, and at the same time, pushed his belt down. There was a clicking sound, and then they were free. They both froze. Dane waited. Did Hoodie hear that? No, he was digging through the stuff in the safe.

Now, if only the man in the hoodie would turn around so Dane could see his face, but suddenly the door to the safe opened. Dane recognized the sound.

“It’s not here…just a couple of guns.” Hoodie closed the safe. “On my way,” was the last thing Dane heard before the closet went dark again.

Rankin leaned against him. Sagging with relief? He didn’t know, but he didn’t dare move. At this point, he was sure he’d knocked things off the hooks behind him, and if he moved, there would be a lot of noise.

“Can’t find the other one,” Cass reported. “Have no idea where he went.”

Jace came through his earbud “Hoodie guy is coming out of the apartment. He’s in the hallway. He’s taking the fucking stairs.”

“Avoiding the cameras in the elevator,” Koa said. “We clear?”

Jace responded, “Affirmative.”

Dane let out a breath and moved the robes to the side. “We’re clear.”

Rankin cleared her throat and pushed open the cabinet doors. She stepped out, crossed the closet, and hit the light switch. Dane came out to the main section of the closet. Rankin turned and glared at him. Her cheeks were flushed. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who had been all hot and bothered in the closet. That brought a small smile to his face.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rankin demanded of him.

Okay, not the reason Dane had thought.

“You gotta get out of there now,” Cain said. “Cameron and Grady just hit the lobby.”

Dane said, “Jesus, what is this? Grand Central Station? Roger that.” He focused on Rankin. “You can yell later. We’ve gotta go. Cameron and Grady are in the lobby.”

“Are you serious?” she demanded. “You aren’t supposed to be here.”

He turned her around and headed out of the oversize closet, hitting the lights on the way out. “Yeah, and I’m guessing neither are you, so move your ass.” They met Koa in the living area.

“Shit, where the hell were you?” she demanded.

“Later,” was all he said. Then he opened the door and ushered them into the hallway. He closed the door, and they started toward the elevators.