Page 2 of A Lethal Betrayal

Dane cracked a grin.Love this team.

The pickup did a wide circle and then backed up to the waterline. The powerboat shut down its engines and coasted in with the tide. The pickup driver hopped out and waved a high-powered flashlight. The guy in the powerboat signaled back.

Dane squinted into the darkness. His gut tensed.No fucking way.He brought his binoculars up and flicked on the night vision. He zoomed in and made the images as clear as possible.Sonofabitch.He closed his eyes for a brief second. This could not be happening. His stomach lurched.

Dane’s biggest nightmare just pulled his boat up onto the beach.

“Got visual,” Cass said. “Boat man has bags. Multiple backpacks. It looks like three in total.”

“Pickup driver getting something out of the back of his truck,” Tac reported.

Cain confirmed. “An exchange, like your guy said, Three.”

“Roger that,” Koa responded.

Cass stated, “Driver handing duffel over and taking backpacks. Wait… They seem to be arguing. The pickup driver is shaking his head. He’s taking back the duffel.”

Dane’s throat closed over. He was struggling to hear what his teammates were saying over the sound of his pounding heart.

“Is he opening it?” Jace asked and then answered his own question, “He is. He’s taking something out. Too fast. I didn’t get the shot. He stuffed it in his jacket. Now he’s handing over the duffel. The boat driver doesn’t look happy. Exchange complete. Got the pictures.”

Dane finally managed to make his vocal cords work. “We have a problem.”

“Repeat, Two,” Cain demanded.

“We have a problem,” Dane said again.

The guy in the pickup put the backpacks in the cab of his truck behind the driver’s seat.

The boat’s engine revved and eased away from the shore.

Cain demanded, “What problem?”

“The guy in the boat is one of us.” Dane finally managed to get the words out.

“Coast Guard?” Tac asked.

“Yes, MSRT. My former team leader, Craig Owens.”

“You sure?” The sudden tension in Cain’s tone crackled through the comms.


“Well, shit.”

“Yeah.” And that didn’t cover the half of it. Dane let out a breath as he watched the boat pull away. “We don’t need to follow the boat, not that we were planning on it. I know where to find it. But we’ve got to abort the rest of the plan.”

Tac swore. “You think he has guys watching.”

“Affirmative. We’ve just been damn lucky they haven’t spotted us.” They were at a secluded beach off a nature preserve on Oahu’s north shore. They’d come early to get into position and then stayed in place. That had worked in their favor. If they’d moved around, then Owens’s scouts would have seen them. The fact that the handoff had happened meant that no one had seen Tac or Cass move. But it also meant Dane’s team hadn’t seen Owens’s men arrive. How had they come? Where were they?

Dane swore. “They’re behind us on the left. They have to be. That’s the only place they could be where they wouldn’t have seen Four and Six move.”

On the other side of the road was just a rocky cliff front. If they were on top of it, they would have a great view of the beach, but the palm trees would block Owens’s team’s view of the road and give them only keyhole views of the beach parking lot, including most of the bluff.

Dane resisted the urge to turn and scan the surroundings in that direction. “Five—”

“On it,” Jace whispered.