Page 24 of A Lethal Betrayal

“I’m sure. Mom isn’t going to sell her baby down the river. That leaves Ben Hestman. What’s his story?”

“He’s a bit different. If you ask me, he’s the odd man out. He’s one of them, but not. He was the only one to show genuine emotion about Owens’s death. Not so much about Owens, but about the man’s family. He doesn’t strike me as a leader, but he isn’t exactly a follower either. More like he’ll do what needs to be done, but isn’t big on being a part of the gang. He’s got a wife and four kids. That could be why. His wife, Darinda, is a part-time Pre-K teacher. She confirmed that he was home with her when Owens was murdered.”

Mac dropped her pen on the paper. She’d taken lots of notes, and she’d read Rutledge’s notes later to make sure she hadn’t missed anything important, but now it was time for theories. Things she wasn’t going to put down on paper.

“So, what do you think? Did any of them kill Owens?”

Rutledge slouched in his chair. “I think they’re all capable of it, given the right set of circumstances but, to be honest, I just didn’t get that vibe from any of them. I don’t think they killed their boss. Some will take advantage of the situation, but that’s about it.”

“Well, that sucks. I was hoping for a quick close on this one.” She sighed.

“Why?” Rutledge’s voice was sharp.

She blinked. She wasn’t going to share the truth, that she wanted to have sex with one of the suspects, but she would share what she found out. “Casper fucked up big time with Dane Landry.”

Rutledge’s brows dipped into a deep V between his eyes. “What do you mean?”

She went over what Dane had told her about seeing Craig Owens allegedly stealing some crates and how he’d done what he was supposed to do, but Casper had screwed him. “Casper must’ve told Owens because he knew and then took it out on Da—Landry. He didn’t explain it to me, but he blames Owens for his broken back.”

“That could be sour grapes. Maybe Landry is just looking for someone to blame for his own mistakes.”

Mac shook her head. “I don’t think so. Besides, after hearing what Landry had to say, I reread the file. Casper glossed over the whole thing. He didn’t even look into what Landry said. The file on Owens was one page. There’s no way Casper investigated.”

Rutledge’s string of curses was long and impressive.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “That sums it up. Casper’s poor work is going to blow back on us. Now Owens is dead instead of being locked up for drug smuggling, and the situation is a fucking minefield since the press is involved.” The coffee she’d had soured in her gut, and she pressed a hand to her abdomen. She wouldnotregurgitate breakfast here.

Rutledge ran his hands through his red hair, making it stand up in every direction. “Do you think Landry could have done it?”

Mac paused. She needed to take the question seriously. Be honest with herself about the answer. She cocked her head. “I think, like you said, given the right circumstances, Landry could kill someone. I mean, it’s sort of his job in a way. But as much as he hates or hated Owens, I don’t think he’d kill him. Landry thinks Owens is a piece of shit, and if he killed Owens, then he’d be just as bad, if you follow my drift.”

“Got it.” Rutledge propped his elbows on the table. “Where does all this leave us?”

She shrugged. “Square one. I’m going to do some research on Owens. You guys got the stuff from his locker, right?” At Rutledge’s nod, she continued, “I want to have a look, see if anything jumps out. I’ll run his financials as well. If he was running drugs, he’d have to hide the money somewhere.”

“Okay, sounds good. I’m going to talk to legal and see what they’d need for a search warrant for Owens’ house. I don’t have enough yet, but I’d like to know exactly what I’m aiming for. I’m also gonna ask about surveillance. If these guys are involved in the drug stuff, then maybe we can catch them at it.”

“You really think they’re all involved?”

He sighed. “I think they all wanted a piece of the action. Well, maybe not Ben. I kind of think he just went along because he didn’t want to rock the boat. I want to take another crack at him tomorrow without Casper being there. And I’m not telling Casper about the surveillance either.”

“Got it. I’ll run the rest of the team’s financials and see if anything pops. I know it’s Friday night, but do you want to meet tomorrow morning and go over a game plan for the day?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but let’s start a bit later. How’s nine-thirty?”

“Nine-thirty for what?” Casper asked as he swept into the room.

Rutledge clamped his jaw shut.

Mac swore silently. “To meet. We’re gonna go over the stuff from today and then maybe talk to some of the local vice guys about the drug trade in Oahu. Also, I think Cadaver Dave should be finished by then. We should talk to him.” She looked up at Casper. “Unless you want to do that.”

“No, I’m good. We chatted with the team today. Good bunch of guys. They’re upset about losing their team leader. Let’s give them some time off from the grilling, okay?”

“Sure.” Mac struggled to keep her face neutral. “What are you going to work on tomorrow? Or are you even working this weekend?”

He tried to look insulted. “Of course, I am. I’m working with Cross on the Navy thing. I’ll be in and out all day, but I’ll have my phone. Reach out if you need anything. Otherwise, I think this is a great case for you two to work on your own. Get your feet wet. I’m here if you need me.” With that, he waltzed out of the room.

“Asshole,” Rutledge muttered.