Page 88 of A Lethal Betrayal

Dane handed his cell to Koa. “Get both cars in on a conference call so we can talk. It’s easier than using the earbuds while we drive.”

Two minutes later, they were all on a video call. “Tell us your theory,” Cain said.

“Mac told me that the whole thing was on a schedule. The deal was planned to go down a few days after the arrival of the motherboards. Why? Why would they want to wait? Because they couldn’t change the schedule. If it was all planned, then this was done well in advance. They knew the schedule because it’s not the buyer’s schedule; it’s the seller’s. They could plan around it.

“Senator Weston is heading out to Singapore tonight. His plane won’t be searched. He’ll be cleared to go no matter what. He can take the motherboards to Singapore and sell them to China.”

“Jesus, you’re accusing a sitting US senator of selling highly classified equipment to China?” Jace said.

“Yeah, I guess I am. Or, at least, to someone. It fits. Weston arrived, and all hell broke loose. He’s flying out right when the motherboards are leaving, according to what Ainsley told Mac. Can you think of a better way to get them out than on a private jet of a sitting US senator? Besides, think about it. He’s not selling them to be used against us. We all know these are going to go to Russia. China has its own shit. And Jace said that the senator is up for re-election. I imagine he needs some serious cash to do it.”

Jace added, “The other party is setting up a big hitter to run against him. It’s going to be an expensive race. Selling the motherboards gives him money, and this trip gives him publicity and credibility.”

Dane changed lanes. “And don’t forget, Manu is at the same airport. I’m thinking that’s not a coincidence.”

“Ifhe’s there,” Cain cautioned. “We don’t know for sure yet.”

“It’s a strong likelihood,” Sinclair said. “I checked with my guy again. The other two cars are signed out. The one at Kalaeloa is not. It’s supposed to be back at the lot.”

“What are we gonna do when we get there?” Tac asked. “Assuming this is all true. I mean, we can round up Manu, but unless we catch him red-handed, we’ve got nothing on him. Ainsley is dead. There’s no one to testify to anything.”

The truth of Tac’s words hit Dane dead center in his chest. They had nothing on Manu, one of the main players who wanted to hurt Mac, and there was nothing they could prove.

“We’re just gonna have to find the motherboards and hope they’re covered in his prints,” Cass said. “Or we could leave him in a room with Dane for a few minutes, and I’m willing to bet he’d confess. You didn’t hear that, Sinclair.”

“I didn’t hear a thing,” he agreed.

“There will be no alone time,” Cain said. “Unless absolutely necessary,” he added with a smirk.

The team chuckled. Dane knew Cain was joking. And he wouldn’t do it anyway, but Manu didn’t know that. And as smart and tech-savvy as the kid was, Dane was willing to bet he’d never been faced with an angry MRST operative before. There were all kinds of things he could do to Manu without ever laying a finger on him. Although, one good punch would make him feel so much better.


Dane rolled the SUV to a stop outside the squat building that housed the waiting area for passengers and pilots. “What do you think?” he asked. They still had an open phone line to the other SUVs.

“I don’t think they’d be in the Fixed Base Operator lounge. I think we need to go out on the tarmac and find what hangar they’re in,” Tac said. “The exchange will take place there. That’s the most logical thing to do.”

Koa grunted, “Agreed. I’ll go find out what hangar Weston’s jet is in. Sinclair, check the cars again and make sure Manu isn’t on the move.”

“Roger that.” He brought it up on his phone this time. “Still here. The airport isn’t that big. I’m sure we can find them quickly.”

“True, but we need some kind of plan. We can’t just roll up and hope for the best.” Dane was already running ideas. “I’m thinking we come from two directions and have people at the hangar’s back door, just in case.”

Koa climbed back into the SUV. “Hangar five.”

Cain and Cass led the way, followed by Dane’s SUV. “I like Dane’s plan,” Cain said. “Let’s do it. Jace, you and Tac cover the back of the hangar. Dane, follow my lead and block the front of the hangar with the SUVs.”

Dane rolled to a stop behind Cain and watched in his rearview as Jace and Tac got out and made their way toward hangar five. They disappeared behind hangar four. “We don’t have an earbud for you, Sinclair. Just follow my lead. It’ll be fine. I’ll let you know if anything is happening unless you want to stay in the SUV. Nothing wrong with that. You’re at a disadvantage.”

Sinclair snorted. “Yeah, I’ll be with you. I’m not really a sit in the car kind of guy.”

Jace’s voice came over the earbud. “In position.”

Dane said, “They’re in position.”

“On me.” Cain’s SUV took off and Dane slammed his foot on the gas pedal. He followed Cain to the hangar. “Now!” yelled Cain as they screamed to a halt and jumped out of the SUV in front of the structure. It was empty.

“What the fuck?” Dane said. He looked around. Then he looked outside. Two hangars over, there was an unmarked CGIS car. “Shit. Two hangars down!” He pointed. They all got back in the SUVs and shot down the tarmac.