Page 1 of A Lethal Betrayal


“They’re late,” a voice said in his earbud.

Chief Petty Officer Dane Landry had been thinking the same thing. It was zero-zero-forty-five hours. Cain Maddox, his team leader, wasn’t impatient. He was just stating a fact, one that made Dane’s gut tighten.

“You sure your guy had the right spot?” Cain asked.

“Yes, Senior Chief,” Koa Kilani responded.

Cain swore. The entire team knew how much the senior chief hated being called by his title.

Dane smiled in the darkness. Koa didn’t like to be questioned. Using Cain’s rank was his little revenge.Hilarious.

Hidden in the bluff of the beach, Dane was lying in some grass and keeping his eyes on the shoreline. He shifted his position to reduce the pressure on his back. It was starting to ache ever so slightly, and he wanted to stop it before it got unbearable.

The night was quiet. The smell of the ocean and spring flowers drifted to him on a light wind. The breeze also kept the bugs at bay. Plenty of those on Oahu. The sound of their chirping and clicking came from the nearby bushes.

Their new team was coming together. The fact that they were already needling each other was a good sign. When he’d hurt his back, he’d thought his career was over. He’d never see action again. Being number two on a team like this was a dream he didn’t think was in his grasp. He was so damn glad he’d been wrong about that.

“Anybody got anything?” Jace asked. “My ass is going numb.”

“You were the one that wanted to sit on the rocks,” Chief Petty Officer Tacitus—Tac—Holden reminded him.

Jace growled, “Sand. I hate the way it gets into every nook and cranny.”

Chief Petty Officer Cassidy St. James snorted. "This could be interesting. Exactly how many nooks and crannies have you got?”

A few muffled guffaws came through the earbud before the night got quiet again. Yeah, it was shaping up to be a good team and Cassidy, being the only woman, added a whole new dimension to things. As a crack shot, she was the team sniper and even he had to admit as much as they were all good, she was the best by a wide margin. It didn’t hurt that she had a great sense of humor and was tough as nails. A killer combination. She could also be cold and scary as hell. Dane ranked her as the second scariest member of the team. The first place was a tie between Cain and Koa. Those two took badass to another level. He was so glad they were on his side.

Dane scanned the horizon once more. Nothing. Then movement. Way out on the waves. He couldn’t be sure yet, but he thought there was a boat. “On my two o’clock.”

Silence and then, “I see it,” Tac said.

“Got it,” Jace agreed.

Cassidy chimed in, “Pickup truck coming down the road.”

“Look lively.” Cain wasn’t big on commands unless absolutely necessary. That was about as command-like as he got.

“Roger that,” they all responded in turn.

The pickup pulled into the lot and turned off its lights. Then instead of parking, it drove onto the sand past the bluff.

That was unexpected.

“Shit,” Tac mumbled, who was forced to scramble to get out of the way.

Dane held his breath. Tac had been damn lucky that the pickup didn’t have its lights on. The driver didn’t slow, so it was a safe bet he didn’t see Tac crabwalk out of his way. He turned and focused on the approaching speedboat. It was slowing as it approached the shoreline. “Incoming at the beach.”

“Roger.” Cain’s voice was soft. “Four, you good?”

“Yeah. I’m awake now,” Tac grumbled.

The night was a bright one. The moon was three-quarters full, which made it easier to see; good for them on the one hand but bad on the other. Sure, they could see better, but they could also be seen. Not ideal.

The team had spread out across the bluff and on some rocks that marched out into the water. Cass had been on the far side of the car park but was moving quickly to a new position by the beach. She ducked behind some palm trees and then flattened on her belly in the sand.

“Who’s got sand in their nooks and crannies now?” Jace mumbled.