“So, audience, you have ten minutes to get your votes in. If you were unable to download our event app, no worries—you can place your votes by finding our helpers in the audience wearing the neon yellow Triton Marching Brigade T-shirts. And of course, if you’re hungry or thirsty, our food and beverage vendors in the back are happy to serve you. In fact, let’s give them another round of applause for all they’ve done today.”
From the food tents, Max Williams blew the audience a kiss, then bowed. Del glanced over to Mia at the sound booth, who was fanning herself. She could only guess it wasn’t from the heat.
“All right, everyone, let’s get to voting. Your time starts now.”
Del took a seat on the front edge of the stage and waved to her father, approaching with an unopened water bottle.
“You did great, sweet pea,” he said, handing it to her. “I’ve heard nothing but compliments from everyone I’ve passed today.”
“Thanks, Pops. Not gonna lie, I was a nervous wreck this morning. But once I got up on stage, I settled in and was able to have fun with it. Maybe I missed my calling?” she said with a shrug.
“Maybe we’ll just have to make this an annual event, to help raise funds for all our local charities,” Faye said, joining her father. “The town is eating this up.”
“It sure is.”
Del looked out over the sea of smiles, grateful for each and every one of them. The only thing that would have made today even better would be if—
She shook her head, refusing to let that thought damper the moment. With a flick, she turned her microphone back on. “Five more minutes.”
Pops and Aunt Faye got pulled into a nearby conversation, leaving Del to check her text messages. Brooklyn had promised to text the results to Del’s phone in the correct order, to avoid chances of technical difficulties. As she scrolled, she heard someone in the audience comment that they thought there weren’t any more acts coming. Del looked up, meaning to confirm that, when she caught movement on stage from the corner of her eye. It was a chestnut and white bulldog, wiggle-waddling toward her, with a giant red bow tied around his neck.
No, not just any bulldog.
“Louie?” she whispered, turning to pat the space beside her.
He wiggle-waddled faster, covering her in happy, slobbery kisses once he reached her waiting open arms. But if Louie was here, that meant…
Del’s gaze flew to the side of the stage from where Louie had appeared. No Isaac.
Louie squirmed closer, demanding her full attention as usual. That’s when she noticed a scroll attached to the red ribbon around his neck. She carefully extracted and unrolled it.
Dear Delaney,
I’m sorry about my human. He’s not the brightest guy in the world. But he loves you with his whole heart. So much so, he convinced his company to permanently relocate him to Bourbon Falls so he can be closer to you. I hope you’ll take him back, because I miss the way you scratch behind my ears just right.
Love, Louie
P.S. M&M took up a collection for your bookstore. My human has a check for five hundred dollars to give you if you promise not to slug him in front of everyone when he comes out on stage.
Isaac was moving back? To be with her?
She stared at the note, not believing what she was seeing. This meant she wouldn’t have to give up Bourbon Falls, give up her family and friends and hometown and house to be with the man she loved. Yes, loved! How could she not, when he’d come back for her at the best possible time?
Del’s breath hitched as she looked up to find Isaac approaching from across the stage. He was really here! And looking handsome as ever in a dark V-neck tee and jean shorts. Gone were the dark sunglasses he’d always hidden behind, but the Yankees cap remained. And he had it on backward.
Had she ever seen a more perfect sight in all her life?
Isaac slowed afew paces from Delaney, aware that all eyes were once again focused on the stage. But it was only her gaze he cared about right now. She covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. He silently prayed for the courage to pull this off.
“Did you read Louie’s note?” he called.
Del nodded.
“And do you promise not to punch me?”
Soft laughter sounded from those sitting nearest the stage. Del nodded again, rising slowly to her feet. One tear tumbled down her cheek.