The answer, of course, was no. They’d been having fun, a fling, nothing more—how many times had she insisted that was the case? Deep down, though, she’d started to believe they were growing into something more. That theycouldgrow into something more. That maybe she even wanted them to grow into something more.
Unfortunately, it seemed fun was as far as it was ever going to get between them. Had they had more time, she might have been able to change his mind and convince him to stay. But those damned TikTapToe videos had surfaced and foiled her plans, making her hate technology that much more.
Sleep eluded her most of the night, her mind restless and bed feeling more empty than usual. Ridiculous, given that up until a few weeks ago, she’d been the only one to ever sleep in it. Maybe it was time to get a pet and help fill the bed. A cat, perhaps. Or maybe a dog.
An English bulldog.
Louie’s face sprang to mind, triggering a fresh round of tears. Darn it, she was already missing him too. She grabbed her extra pillow and held it close, pretending it was him but without the snoring. Pretending Isaac was still there, and that this entire day had just been some terrible, awful dream.
The sound of a cell phone buzzing woke her some time later. She reached past a pile of discarded tissues to answer it, groggy and disoriented.
“Del? Are you still in bed?”
Hearing the concern in Mia’s voice, she glanced at her nightstand clock. Was it really ten thirty? Thank goodness today was Chase’s Saturday to work. “Uh, no. I was just, um, in midthought. Working on a new landscape design.”
She shifted into a seated position, trying not to feel guilty about the lies. But she wasn’t ready to tell Mia what had happened. Not yet, anyway.
“Oh, that’s great! I promise not to keep you long. Just checking to see if you and Isaac had any luck changing the number of allowed entries on the website last night.”
Shoot, the entries change—she’d forgotten all about it. Heck, after walking up to find him looking like a complete stranger, their website had quickly become thelastthing on her mind.
“It didn’t come up, actually.”
“Too busy making out again, huh?” Mia laughed softly. “Well, see what you can find out today and let me know. Really, if he can’t make the change, it’s not the end of the world.”
Del promised she’d try and disconnected, her gaze shifting to the muted sunlight filtering through her bedroom curtains. Was he even still in town to ask? Will had said “tomorrow,” but she had no idea what time they were leaving. Could she even face him and keep it together, knowing he would soon be gone?
That’s when the tiniest of hopes lit in her chest. She’d calmed down since their messy good-bye—maybe he had, too. Maybe he’d even taken to heart what she’d said and reconsidered.
Yes, it was a long shot—a really, really long shot—but she had to know.
In record time, she freshened up, dressed, grabbed a cup of coffee, and flew out the door. She kept the radio off on her drive out of town, emotions still too raw from a few popular songs she’d cried along with last night. Besides, the quiet would give her time to think of what she’d say when she got there.
Isaac, please don’t go.
Isaac, I want you to stay.
Isaac, I—
Her breath hitched at the sight of aFOR RENTsign now posted in his yard. Del turned into his drive and slowly made her way up its winding path, unsure of what she would find on the other side of his woods. The view that awaited looked far different from the one she’d left last night: the garage door was shut, the porch empty of furniture and overhead light left on.
Don’t panic. Maybe they’re still inside packing.
An unseasonably cool breeze greeted her as she stepped from the truck. She swallowed hard and made for his front door, hoping, praying they were still here. No one answered her second round of knocking, and she chanced a peek in through the front window.
No boxes, no recliner. No Louie.
No Isaac.
She sank onto the edge of the porch as reality set in. He was gone. And she’d never shared how she really felt about him.
Del’s stomach twisted, her skin suddenly clammy. She hurried around the side of the house and lost what little her stomach held.
Dammit, she hated throwing up.
Then again, it’d kept her from crying, so there was that. Emotionally drained, she made for her truck and the emergency bottle of Scope. Funny, hadn’t Isaac thrown up after learning he was leaving too?