“But can you overwrite any video or just ones you record?” Mia asked.
“Any,” Brooklyn said with a shrug. “People snatch clips and edit with their voiceovers all the time. That’s literally half the videos on TikTok right now.”
“So you’re saying any of us could grab the video and add a voiceover, explaining that Katrina tampered with the original one?” Robyn asked.
“Well,Icould. I’m not sure Aunt Del could handle it.” Brooklyn offered her a sheepish grin.
“And Aunt Del isn’t going anywhere near this video stuff,” she replied, giving Margaret a stern look. “They’ve gotten Isaac into enough trouble as it is. The last thing he needs is more drama. Though, I’m not gonna lie—I’d love to see Karma bite Katrina in the butt.”
Brooklyn took an incoming call from her bestie and wandered off, angling for Mia’s house one yard back. Del watched her go. How would her niece learn to separate the truth from the lies, growing up in a digital age where reality could be blurred so easily?
A collective groan erupted at the card table, and Del looked over to see Harold raking a pile of poker chips in his direction. The others rose from their seats, joking with one another as they shook hands and bumped fists. Louie, however, remained half passed out under the card table. He’d long since worn himself out from all the excitement of meeting new people.
“Sounds like the party’s about to wrap up,” Margaret said. She tipped her head to Del. “You might as well get your man and his sleepy pooch over to your house. Don’t worry, I’ll try not to listen too closely to any noises coming from across the fence.”
Del felt her cheeks warm as the others pretended to look the other way. “You’re terrible. You know that, right?”
“You wouldn’t want me any other way,” she replied with a wink.
So true.
“So what’s your assessment, anyway?” Del asked quietly.
“I’d put it at twenty percent.”
Del felt like she’d been sucker-punched. “That he’ll stay?”
“No, dummy, that he’ll leave. Of course, that number could dip lower if you keep him happy in the bedroom.” She shrugged. “I’m just saying.”
Hope rose in Del’s chest once more. The bedroom thing she could handle, but just how low she could get his probability of leaving was yet to be seen. In the back of her mind, she still had her doubts. Major doubts.
But right now, giving him reason to stay sounded a whole lot more fun.
Isaac stayed thenight at Del’s place Saturday, then spent the better part of his Sunday there as well. She’d given him an abbreviated tour last night after the party, in too big a hurry to start their own party for two. Not that he’d complained in the least, because it was one hellova party.
A party that’d lasted All. Night. Long.
But after the sun had come up, they’d both managed to get a couple hours of sleep, and all articles of previously discarded clothing having been found, she’d taken him on the grand tour. He loved the inside of her home, such a sunny, inviting space—a stark comparison to the rental he was staying at. And her backyard was amazing, with its custom pergola, cushion-laden seating, and enclosed, fenced-in area.
Needless to say, Louie, too, had been in heaven.
Now Isaac sat snuggled next to Del on her outdoor loveseat, contemplating a nap while enjoying his own slice of heaven. He’d never wanted a home of his own, always picturing himself too busy with work to have time to deal with things like cutting the lawn or maintaining fences. But here, now, he could picture it, him lounging on a back porch like this. Maybe with a beer in one hand and a wife holding his other.
Whoa.Had he really just imagined theWword?
“You’re awfully quiet this afternoon,” Del said. “Whatcha got rattling around that noggin of yours?”
He grinned, not ready to admit that thought aloud.
“Just enjoying the change in scenery. And the company.”
“She’s enjoying finally having you here, too. Not that I don’t like your place,” she quickly added.
“Oh, you don’t have to try to spare my feelings—I like your place much better than mine. In fact, I may never go back.”
She laughed. “Whatever. You’d miss your recliner. And your laptop.”