Without a moment to waste, I bound to her and pull her towards me, running my hands along her body to check for grievous injuries. Could she have been attacked, and I simply had missed it? Impossible, I pay as much attention to Ariella’s well-being as I do my own.
“Are you hurt?” I ask, pressing my face against hers. “Tell me.”
Ariella’s soft laughter brushes against my scales as she exhales and she presses herself against me.
“I’m fine,” she murmurs, wrapping her arms around as much of me as she can. “Just tired.”
I inhale her scent, determined to figure out if she’s lying.
“Don’t trust my judgment?” Ariella asks humorously, already knowing what I’m doing as I take deep breaths to inhale her scent.
“Don’t trust you to not downplay injuries,” I respond.
“Boo,” she says, lightly hitting my chest. She could never hurt me physically, but she’s still always so careful. “I wouldn’t lie to you like that.”
“You would so I wouldn’t worry,” I tell her, and her silence speaks volumes.
I smell nothing else but sweat, dirt, and that sweet floral scent that follows everywhere she goes. Any small amounts of blood from her are superficial, the remaining of it being from the dark elf servants and some from Everan himself. Underneath all of the grime, she’s still my Ariella, my fierce and vicious little creature.
The gore on her makes her look irresistible.
“You look hungry, Zyranth,” she says with a quirk of her lip. “Famished, even.”
I growl deep in my chest, and I know she can feel it from the way she places a hand on the center of my chest.
“I want you,” I tell her, licking up some of the blood on her cheek. I can tell from the sweet taste of my tongue that it's hers. “I want you now.”
The shudder that goes through her body makes my need all the more apparent and my lust for her grows. My body wants her, desperately, and I feel my mouth go dry at just the idea of taking her right here. It’s remarkable how tempting she is even amongst all the carnage around her, but unsurprising.
This is Ariella, and she fits the place perfectly.
“I’m covered in gore,” she protests, moving her hand from my chest to my cheek. “We’re surrounded by corpses. It’s not the most romantic sight.”
“I don’t care,” I say, voice deep. “Now. I’ll have you now, and I’ll keep having you until you can't move, and then I’ll take you home until I can have you again.”
I may not know much about divinity, but Ariella looks and smells as close to a divine creature as I can imagine. I want her, I want to be inside her. I want her to not be able to think without being reminded that she is mine and I am hers. The soreness that she clearly feels from the fight should be replaced by the pleasant aches of my claim on her.
“Our friends are waiting for us, Zyranth,” she chastises and pushes my face away. It’s telling how much I adore her when I allow her to get away with pushing me around. “We need to go back to them.”
“I don’t have friends, nor do I place their needs above my own,” I remind her. “If you really want to go back, we can do it later.”
“You do have friends, and they’re worried about the both of us,” Ariella says. “We’re going back to them.”
I tighten my grip on her waist with a feral grin. “Is that so?”
She smiles at me, coy and teasing. “Yes, actually. It is.”
Before I say anything else, Ariella puts her foot against my chest to kick herself out of my grasp, and it is only my shock at her actions that get me to let go. I never want to hurt her, even if I want her, but most of all I just stare in disbelief as she rolls onto the ground and starts to sprint towards the forest.
“You’re getting soft, my love!” she calls out behind her, diving into the trees. “You’ll have to work a little harder for my affection!”
As Ariella runs into the forest, I ready my body for the chase. Thrill and adrenaline pumping in my veins are not unlike what I felt when I first hunted her down. It gives me more energy than I know what to do with. I’m exhausted, there’s a soreness in my muscles that Everan is to blame for, but Everan is dead and I can always rest later.
The hunt is now.
“You’ll regret tempting me like this!” I yell. “You won’t win!”
Ariella doesn’t respond outside of her bell-like laughter that grows fainter by the second. I leap forward into the trees, following that floral scent that is so familiar to me. Dashing ahead into the woods, I find the trees and bushes growing much closer together than normal, making me unable to utilize my full speed and strength to catch her.