Page 42 of The Facilitator 1

I paused before I answered. “I guess it depends on what you do. If I were you, I’d take a break first, before you decide. You’ve worked, what fourteen hour days, every day of the week, for howlong?”

“Too long. Maybe I’ll take a couple of weeks’ holidaysomewhere.”

“Jenny said Mackenzie met with all the heads today, I think some are wondering if they’re going to lose theirjobs.”

“If he merges then it’s possible, I guess. I’d feel a little shitty about that,” Jerrysaid.

“You can’t. They’ve been paid well, ridden the ride, so to speak. You have to think aboutyourself.”

“If I take his offer, I want to make sure your job is secure,” hesaid.

“Jerry, don’t even worry about that. It’s time to think about you, no one else. I’ll be fine, whateverhappens.”

Inside a pang of anxiety started to rise. I could only afford the apartment because of my salary. Although Scott had been on the same pay grade as me, it had been my savings that had been used for the deposit. Which reminded me ofsomething.

“You did give Scott the divorce papers, didn’t you? I haven’t heard anything from mysolicitor.”

“I did, the bitch took great delight in telling me she’d have him sign and returnthem.”

“I wonder if they’ll stay together.” It was more of a thought than aquestion.

“I doubt it, he was seen out with another woman a couple of nightsago.”

“Really? What ashit.”

“Don’t feel any compassion for her, but yeah, a totalshit.”

We had both opted to forego starters and our main meals were placed on the table. For a little while, we ate in silence, comfortable enough in each other’s company to not have to make smalltalk.

“You know, you look so different to just a couple of weeks ago. What really happened?” Jerryasked.

“If I tell you, you have to promise me it won’t go any further. I’m trusting you,Jerry.”


“I met someone. Well, it’s not a relationship, I don’t actually know what itis.”

“Sex, it’s just sex, tell me I’m right?” he said with alaugh.

“It’s justsex.”

His mouth hung open. “I was kidding. Wow. Good for you, at least one of us is gettingsome.”

“I’ve never done anything like this before, but it makes me feel, I don’t know,liberated.”

“And whatelse?”

“And shitty,slutty.”

“You know, it’s only women that think they can’t have a relationship that’s just physical. If you know that’s all it is, and you don’t want more from him, then so what? It’s okay to have fun,Lauren.”

“I know, but it’s more complicated thanthat.”

“Any relationship is only as complicated as you make it. Relax, have fun, go with the flow, fuck Scott out of your system,” he said,laughing.

“I think that’s what I’mdoing.”

“Then I’m jealous of this mystery man. Do I knowhim?”