Page 84 of Your Love is Enough

She paused and took a breath. She could feel her emotions getting the best of her. “When Mom and Dad died, things got hard. Jacob, you were a handful. I think Chad would agree.”

For once, the joker of the group had nothing to say. He just nodded.

“But that was when I first really noticed how good you two were for each other. Kristen, you supported him in a way I couldn’t. He listened to you. You were there and helped get him back on the right path. I know that if Mom and Dad were here today, there’s no one else they would want you to be with Jacob.”

Jacob stood up and engulfed his sister in a huge hug. “I love you so much, Stace.”

“I love you, too.” She held on to her brother. Tomorrow night, he would be leaving their house and officially moving in with Kristen as her husband. Stacey would be alone.

She was sure this was what parents felt like when they watched their children get married and move away. She wiped her tears. “Kristen, you’ve been my best friend since middle school. Honestly, at times, I think I was your only friend.”

Kristen nodded. “You’re the only one my bitchiness never scared away.”

Jessica chimed in. “That’s because Stacey was the only one you were never bitchy to.”

“Probably true.” Kristen agreed.

“Anyway. Kristen, we always talked about becoming sisters.” Stacey’s voice caught. “Then, in college, you said once that you knew you would one day marry Jacob. I never believed you. But I do know that your heart only ever loved him.” She stopped as the tears streamed freely down her face. She took a deep breath and accepted the napkin from Elizabeth. “Last thing I want to say is that I am so proud of you two. I love you, and one day, I hope to find the forever love that can endure like y’alls can.” Even though her heart was full, and she was so happy for her brother and best friend, her heart was also breaking. Could a heart do both of those at the same time? It seems like it.I really wish Tristan was here.

Everyone drank to the couple.

Kristen pulled Stacey off to the side. “Thank you for that.” She leaned her forehead against Stacey’s. “I love you and am so glad we’ll finally really be family. You know tomorrow night, Jacob won’t really be gone, right? We will still be here so much you’ll be sick of us.”

Stacey nodded. She had too many emotions floating around inside her to do anymore speaking.

Kristen grabbed her arms. “Stace, it’s time for you to let go of the past and to not worry about us. We are going to be fine. You have a guy who will treat you as wonderfully as you deserve to be treated. Don’t let him get away. It’s time for you to think about you. To be selfish. You deserve it.”

“I know. You’re right. I know all this shit between Tristan and me is my fault. Right now, my goal is to get him to come to the wedding. That’s step one. Then I’ll make sure he knows how much I need him. How much I love him.” She smiled the first real smile she had in days. “Hopefully it’s not too late.”

“If he loves you, it won’t be.”

Stacey rolled her eyes. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

It was getting late, and it was time for everyone to leave.

Stacey insisted Jacob had to leave before midnight. He couldn’t see the bride before the wedding. There were some objections from both Jacob and Kristen, but Stacey put her foot down. They needed to keep some traditions, and Jacob was not going to see Kristen until they met at the altar at the justice of the peace tomorrow evening at five-thirty.

Chad and Brady took Jacob to his and Kristen’s house. They were going to spend the night there; the girls were staying at Stacey’s. The girls all slept in Stacey’s room. Stacey and Kristen in the bed, Elizabeth and Jessica on air mattresses on the floor.

While everyone was getting ready for bed, Stacey snuck out and sent Tristan a text.

I’m sure you’re home or almost home. I hope I see you at the wedding. We need to talk. There’s so much I have to say. 6:00

She waited for a bit but didn’t get a reply.

Her heart fell, but she wouldn’t let it get to her. She was sure he had a reason.

“Airports suck.” He was on the phone with Adler. “They canceled my flight. The earliest I’ll get home is late tonight. And that’s hoping there’s no issues with the layover in St. Louis.” He gave the flight information to Adler, who promised to relay it to their driving service, then he made his way to find something to eat and a place to relax for the day before texting Stacey to let her know.

Twenty-four hours later, his plane taxied into Nashville International Airport. Twenty-four fucking hours he has been either on a plane or in an airport. He finally got to St. Louis, to only find out his flight was delayed yet again. He should have just rented a car. The drive from Dallas to Nashville is about twelve hours. From St Louis, it’s just over four.

His entire day was shot, and he was exhausted.

He couldn’t wait to climb into his bed and sleep.

As soon as the car pulled up to his house, he was out and inside before the driver even had his bags out of the trunk.

“Hey. You finally made it.” Adler gave him a strong guy hug, complete with hard pats on the back.