Page 81 of Your Love is Enough

“Is she pretty?”

The server appeared, and they placed their orders.

He ignored her question and changed the subject. He asked her about the ranch and how she felt things were running. They talked shop a bit more until their food appeared, and they were quiet while they ate.

“So, is she pretty?”

Seriously? She needs to let it slide. Tristan raised his hands, palms up. “Why does it matter?” He was getting annoyed. “Yeah, she’s pretty. She’s gorgeous. She’s fun. She’s amazing. Why do you want to know?” His gaze was hot.

She raised her hands, palms up. “No reason.” She backed off, and things got quiet.

Tristan’s mind kept wandering to Stacey. What was she doing? Did she miss him at all? Was she thinking about him? Or was this all one-sided? The more he thought about her, the more he drank. He needed to get his mind off her. “So, tell me about you. Do you have a special man?” Tristan asked. “You seem so concerned about my love life. What’s going on with yours?”

She shook her head and pushed her plate away. “Nope. No one. Nothing. Pretty boring. Has been since you left.” She pursed her lips to the side and shrugged.

Did he just hear her correctly? Since he left? “That was two years ago. You’ve had nothing for two years?”

She smirked. “Now, I didn’t say I’ve had nothing. Just nothing special.” Her eyes held his. They looked sad and empty.

He shook his head.Don’t go there again. It’s not worth it.He fought back a yawn and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Look, I’m sorry. It was a long day yesterday; I was at the office early this morning. I’m really looking forward to a good night’s sleep.” He motioned for the server and handed him the card to pay the bill.

The lobby was empty when they left the restaurant, and they stepped to the side so Tristan could wait on the elevator.

“Thanks for dinner.” Janet gave him a hug. She held him tight.

She smelled lightly of flowers. It was the same perfume she had always worn. “Thank my uncle. He paid for it.” When they pulled away, their eyes met. He could kiss her and ask her to stay. He knew she would.

It was like Janet read his mind. She leaned toward him, and her lips were on his.

He hesitated and held his breath.Tristan not a good idea.He leaned away and opened his eyes. He couldn’t do it. He loved Stacey and had to figure out what was going on with them. He didn’t want to hurt Janet, but he didn’t want to hurt Stacey more.

Janet squeezed her eyes tighter and sucked her bottom lip in. “I hope she’s worth it.” She patted him lightly on the arm and walked away.

“I do, too,” Tristan whispered as the elevator opened. When he got out, he called Stacey as he walked down the hall toward his room.

There was no answer. He sighed and threw his phone on the bed. He hopped in the shower and pictured her mouth on his, his hands on her, and he relieved himself the only way he could.

She didn’t want to go another day without talking to him. Phone tag was getting old, and Stacey had a nightmare last night that involved Tristan in the arms of another woman. She was scared that if she didn’t talk to him soon, that might become a reality.

She dialed his number. It was early, six thirty, but she hoped he would answer. She was on her way to work and had three busy days before she got Thursday and Friday off for the wedding.

It was now or never.

The phone continued to ring. “Dammit.”

She was preparing to push the disconnect button on her steering wheel when a drowsy Tristan answered.

Her heart beat fast. His voice sounded amazing. “Hi, Tristan. It’s Stacey.” Was that stupid? Wouldn’t he know it was her?

“Hey.” She heard him clear his throat. “Sorry. Give me a second.”

She couldn’t tell what he was doing, but when he got back on the phone, he was more awake. “Sorry. I drank some water and just had to wake up a little bit.”

Her nerves were going crazy. It seemed like it had been forever since they last talked. She was so nervous. Just get on with it and say your piece. “I’m sorry it’s so early. I’m on my way to work and didn’t want to play phone tag anymore.”

She paused, but there was no response from him. She focused on her breathing to calm her nerves.Just talk. You need to straighten things out.“Look, I don’t know when you’re coming home, but I just want you to know that, for what it’s worth, I’m so sorry. I have to let go of the shit that’s in my past. I know that. And I miss you so much. I miss us.” Her heart was thumping so hard she was sure he could hear it through the phone.

She waited to see if he had anything to say. It was so quiet on his end that she wasn’t sure he was even still there. “Tristan, are you there?” She pulled into the parking garage.