Page 78 of Your Love is Enough

She shrugged and patted. Ginger. “I don’t know. Just intuition, I guess. I haven’t seen you at dinner all week. You usually come at least once. Adler said last night you weren’t in the mood to be around people. I figured you’d be here since you weren’t at the house.”

“Needed to ride off some steam and keep myself from doing something stupid.”

Her eyes raised.

“Nothing that stupid. Just needed to keep myself from texting Stacey.”

Aunt Eli looked thoughtful. “Why would that be stupid? I thought you two worked things out.”

Tristan shook his head, led Ginger into her stall, and gave her hay and feed before answering. “We did, but then new things came up.” He let out a sigh. “She needs to figure out where she is. I was going to wait for her to contact me, but It’s been five days. I don’t know how much longer I’m willing to wait.”

His aunt laid her hand on his arm. “I’m sure things will work out for the best. Just let me know if you need anything.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m good.”

“Good to know. And your uncle also told me you’re going out to Texas for some training at the ranch. Do you need anything for your trip?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I have everything. I’m gonna pack in the morning. I’ll be leaving here around noon for the airport. I’ll be back next week.”

His phone pinged. He glanced at the text, and a smile ticked up. “She wants to talk.” His heart skipped.

“See, she is a smart girl.” She wrapped him in a warm hug. “I love you so much. You’re an amazing man who has so much to give to a relationship. Take your time and find someone who will make you happy.”

He nodded and gave her a small smile.

She rubbed his cheek. “Have a safe trip.”

“Thank you. I will. I love you too.” He watched as his aunt walked away and read the text again. He answered her right away.

I’m leaving for a business trip at noon.

A little while later, he got his answer.Can I come by tomorrow morning around 9?

Sure. See you then.

He placed his phone in his pocket and headed back to the house.

Adler and his dad were talking in the kitchen when Tristan walked in. “

“Thank God you’re here.” Uncle Don looked flustered.

That’s an unusual look for him. One Tristan sure wasn’t used to seeing. “What’s going on?”

“I was looking for you.” Uncle Don continued. “You need to pack. There will be a car here to get you within the hour. Your trip has been moved up. You’re heading to the airport now.”

Tristan was shocked. Now? “Why?” The training didn’t start until Monday. He was going to spend the weekend checking out the cattle and the ranch. He had plenty of time.

“We need you out there ASAP. The training’s been moved up. It starts tomorrow. You can’t miss it. You need your certification.”

Tristan’s heart fell. Talking with Stacey would have to wait. “Okay. I’ll be ready.” He went to pack and just about finished when there was a honk outside.

His car was there. Time to go. He sent Stacey a quick text.My schedule changed. I’m on my way to the airport now. I’ll be home late Wednesday.

Once he got in the car, his phone kept pinging with staff from the Texas office. He was busy talking with them until he got on the plane.

Stacey was in the kitchen early the next morning when Kristen came in.

“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Kristen as she fixed herself a cup of coffee.