Page 76 of Your Love is Enough

Stacey laughed. “Really? You and Jacob hurt each other more over the years than anyone I’ve ever seen. I’ve watched you both. I’ve picked up the pieces. Over and over.” Her voice was getting louder. “Look at all the hurt Elizabeth has been through with her relationship.”

Kristen nodded. “So far, both these couples figured things out and are happy and in love.”

“Elizabeth’s mom is alone because of Mr. Park’s death. Your mom is alone because your dad divorced her. I…” Stacey gasped for air as her sobs overwhelmed her.

Kristen’s heart broke, and she placed her hands on Stacey’s arms. Her voice was soft. “What. You’re what, Stace?”

“I’m scared. Relationships and me, they don’t work out.” Her voice cracked.

Kristen wrapped her in a hard hug. “That was in college. That was one time you opened yourself up, and he shit all over it. Carl was an asshole. He cheated and tore your heart out and stomped all over it. After that, you put up a wall around your heart and swore you wouldn’t put yourself back in the situation again. Then along came Steven, and the same thing happened.” Kristen pulled back. “I’m sorry you were hurt.” She caught her eye. “You need to see what came out of that. You became a strong woman. You don’t need a man, Stace. But having one who is your partner and beside you through everything is amazing.”

Stacey wiped her face again. “God, I hate tears.”

“I know. Me too.”

Both girls sniffed and then laughed.

Kristen wiped the few tears that fell down her face. “Can I say something else?”

Stacey nodded.

“Your mom and dad would want you to be happy.”

Stacey agreed. “I know.”

“They also would have loved Tristan. Even though he seems perfect, he isn’t. Those little flaws you’re finding so much fault in are just that—flaws. We all have them.”

Stacey wiped her face while she walked into the living room and fell onto the couch. “I’ve messed this up so bad. What do I do now?” She buried her face in her hands.

Kristen plopped down next to her. “I suggest you think long and hard before calling him. You need to make sure a relationship with him is really what you want. If it is, you apologize, right? He said he’s done fighting for you. It’s all in your corner now, Stace.”

“My inability to trust has made a mess of something amazing.”

Kristen nodded. “Yeah, it has.”

“Thank you for always speaking the truth, even when the truth hurts,” said Stacey. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Answered Kristen.

The next week flew by. Between work and wedding plans, Stacey thankfully didn’t have much time to focus on her issues with Tristan. She wanted to text him, but needed to make sure she had her feelings straight before she contacted him. There was only one chance left to get things right, and she didn’t want to mess anything up. So, instead of texting him, she made lists and helped Kristen get all the little details together for this wedding just over a week away.

It was Thursday, and it had been another busy shift on the floor. Stacey was tired and starving. She walked into the breakroom, ready to grab a bite and get off her feet for a little bit.

She had worked five straight shifts this week but was looking forward to a nice long weekend. She pulled her dinner out of the refrigerator and heated it in the microwave.

Carla was sitting at a table by herself. Stacey felt her insides flop. She didn’t want to talk to her, but she also couldn’t be rude and ignore her. She grabbed her food and a water and took a deep breath.

Carla looked up from the book she was reading. “Oh, hi, Stacey.”

“Hey. What are you reading?” Pleasant enough conversation. Tristan doesn’t have to come up.

Carla gave her a brief synopsis. “So, basically, a no-thought-necessary romance. Great for the nights here.”

“Maybe I could learn a thing or two from someone in that book. My romantic life basically sucks right now.” Stacey felt a sick pit in her stomach start to form.

Carla agreed. “Yeah, mine’s not much better. I haven’t been able to get a decent date in forever. Guys are either creepy or strange.” She leaned closer to Stacey and whispered. “One guy I went out with kept leaning over and taking big whiffs of me.”

Stacey’s eyes went wide.