Page 74 of Your Love is Enough

“I love you,” Stacey said louder, but he was out of reach.

She watched his back retreat, and finally, he turned toward the bakery and was out of her sight.Go after him. What are you doing?

But she couldn’t move. She was frozen in place. Her feet like lead, not able to listen to her brain. Tears streamed down her face. She reached into her pocket and called for an Uber.

Tristan blinked to try to keep the tears from falling, but it was useless.I can’t believe I put myself in this situation again.His heart was breaking. The reality of the situation hit him like a Mac truck. He was wasting his time. Fuck this. A sigh escaped from him.He willed his legs to go faster because he needed to put as much space between Stacey and him as possible. He was going to lose it, and he refused to give her the pleasure of seeing him that upset. He could see the group hanging outside the bakery. Great. Just what he needed. An audience.

Adler spotted him first and walked toward him. Searched his face. “Bro, what happened?” He grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

“I don’t need your sympathy right now. Please, just get out of my way.” Tristan pushed him off hard. “This was a waste of my time.” Anger fueled him and propelled him forward.

He focused his words at Jacob, his voice loud and harsh. “I did nothing but love your sister. She’s messed up.” He tapped his temple. “Up here. She’s thrown us away, and I’m done.” He was in Jacob’s face. He just needed to take his feelings out on someone, and her brother seemed perfect.

Jacob’s hands flew in the air. “Step back and calm down.” Jacob’s eyes flew to Adler. “Get him out of my face.”

Adler nodded and wrapped his arms around Tristan’s waist. “Don’t do this,” he whispered through clenched teeth.

Tristan elbowed him hard, catching Adler in the chin.

Adler stumbled back and touched his fingers to his lip. Blood. “Fuck.” He stepped in front of Tristan. “You’re pissed, and that’s understandable. You want to hit something.” He pounded his own chest. “Hit me. Stacey’s issues aren’t Jacob’s problem.”

Tristan froze. He wasn’t going to hit Adler. Not this time, anyway, and he sure didn’t want to hit Jacob.What are you doing?His shoulders curled over his chest.

Adler pounded him on the back in the way they did when a good choice was made.

Tristan took deep breaths to calm his pulse.

“There you go. Breathe,” said Adler. “Calm your stubborn ass down.”

Tristan’s heart rate slowed, and he felt a little better. He met Adler’s eyes. Adler smiled his mischievous grin and patted Tristan’s cheek. “There you go. You’re calm. Good boy.”

God, he hated it when he used that condescending tone. “Back off before I rethink my decision and punch you.”

Adler pounded him hard on the shoulders and turned to Jacob, a big smile plastered on his face. “He’s good now.”

“Look, I’m sorry for how Stacey’s acting.” Jacob approached Tristan. “Honestly, she’s been avoiding us the past couple of days. We have no clue what happened or what’s going through her head.”

Tristan glanced between Jacob and Kristen. He was tired. “Well, you both can tell her that I’m done trying. I have to be. I’ve never tried this hard, and it’s exhausting. If she figures her shit out, and this is what she wants, she’ll have to work for it.”

Jacob nodded. “I totally get it. I wish I could explain what’s going through her head.” He shrugged. “I’ve got nothing.”

His eyes held Jacob’s. “I love her. But I don’t know how much longer I can wait for her.”

“I’ll talk to her,” said Kristen.

He nodded, then turned to Adler and held out his hand. “Keys, please. Desiree can get you home.” He had nothing more to do here.

Desiree nodded.

Adler handed over the keys. “Careful.”

“I’m always careful.” He walked to the car and headed back. This wasn’t the ending he was hoping for.

When he got back to the house, he saddled up his favorite mare and went for a long, fast ride. That always cleared his head.

Kristen sent Stacey a text. “She’s here.”

They pulled in the driveway.