Page 72 of Your Love is Enough

“Is it sexy?”

“Yes, she told you she did, and that’s all you get to know.” Stacey quickly cut in. “This may not be traditional, but you won’t see the dress or her in it until we’re at the courthouse.”

Jacob put up his hands, surrendering to his sister. “Fine. Let’s eat cake. I’m starving.”

They all took their seats, and Desiree introduced them to her lineup of cake choices.

After an hour of tasting cake after cake and arguing over what they liked, they finally decided on a two-layer cake. One layer of lemon blueberry and the other strawberry, both with Desiree’s signature icing.

Cake, check.

Kristen again relaxed back in her seat. “Now we just have to decide on food, and then that should be everything but the flowers, and they are going to be simple cut flowers.” Kristen let out a sigh. “Who knew weddings were so much trouble? This is small, and I’m already finished with all of it. I don’t know how Elizabeth’s planning such a big wedding. This already has me bored and irritated.”

Stacey squeezed her hand. “That’s why you have me. I’ll do everything and take all the stress off you.”

Kristen smiled.

Jacob placed two detailed receipts on the counter. “Well, check the food off your list.” He pointed to one receipt. “That’s taken care of. Sandwiches and salads from Main Street Deli will be delivered by five forty-five, and The Pizza Place is delivering three kegs of beer, bottles of water, and some wine. Also, by five forty-five.”

Kristen read over each receipt. “Food, drinks, cake. Now we’re done.” She kissed Jacob. “I’ll see if Elizabeth and Jessica can be at the house when everything is delivered.”

“And we’ll have all the tables and chairs set up Thursday night. Done.” Stacey swiped her hands against each other. “Maybe I’ll keep things this simple when I get married. A wedding planned in one day.”

Desiree stood up and started cleaning. “Marriage, Stacey? Does that mean you and Tristan are talking again?”

Stacey glared at her. “Getting into my business, Des? Does that mean you and Casanova are still talking?”

“Talking and other things as often as possible.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Tristan is still moping around, upset because you aren’t answering his texts. I told him you’d be here today.”

Stacey’s jaw dropped. “What? Why?”

“He asked if I’d seen you around. I told him I would be.”

Desiree looked behind her friends and could see the front of the shop through the glass in the door. Her face lit up. “Well, we’re done here, and everything is written up. Are you going to pay now or at delivery?”

Jacob pulled out his wallet. “Paying now. Getting it all taken care of.”

“Awesome. Let’s go to the front and take care of this. I think I have more customers to tend to.”

Stacey felt like they accomplished so much today. Seeing the smiles on Jacob’s and Kristen’s faces made her beam. She was so happy for them and ecstatic that she and Kristen would finally be sisters. They talked about this very possibility just jokingly many years ago. Knowing Jacob had a crush on Kristen made it so much fun to talk about, and now it’s becoming a reality.

Jacob held the door for the women as they left the back of the store.

“After you, sis. Here, let me fix your hair.” He stopped her long enough to brush her hair with his hands and tuck some stray strands behind her ear. What is he doing?

She brushed his hands away. “Jacob, enough.”

He held his hands up. “Sorry, after you.”

Whatever. Weird. She stepped through the door and froze.

Desiree didn’t have customers. She had Adler and Tristan, and they were in the front eating donuts and looking fine. Stacey swallowed hard. And had to fight to keep her pulse under control. Shit. Shit. Shit. She wasn’t ready to face him yet.

“Stacey,” Kristen whispered loudly to her and pushed her toward Tristan.

Stacey shot daggers at her friend.

Kristen winked.