Page 71 of Your Love is Enough

Kristen put up two fingers. “Well, two weeks. At the courthouse, and we want you two there to stand up for us.”

Stacey was stunned. “Two weeks? Holy shit. That’s so soon!”

Kristen nodded. “It’s going to be a very simple ceremony with a party here for all our friends after. We wanted it quick to not interfere with Brady and Elizabeth, and small because well…”

“That’s what you always wanted.” Stacey finished for her friend. “It’ll be perfect. We have tons to do.”

“Hold on.” Jacob took the engagement ring they purchased earlier that day from his pocket. “Now, to do this correctly. And with just us here, it couldn’t be any more perfect.”

He turned the ring over and over with his fingers and turned to Stacey and Chad. “You two have been our best friends forever. All four of us have grown up together. Of course, me and Chad were usually bothering you girls and getting in your way.”

The girls nodded.

“Then high school hit, and I fell in love with the only girl who truly ever had my heart.” Jacob turned toward Kristen and took her hand in his.

Stacey’s throat closed with emotion, and she wrapped her arm around Chad and laid her head on his chest.

He gave her a squeeze.

“Kristen, our history has been rocky most of the time.” Jacob smiled.

“All the time.” Chad chimed in, making them all laugh.

Jacob shrugged. “Maybe, but we finally figured things out, and I love you more today than I ever thought possible.” He reached over and wiped the tears from her cheek with his thumb.

“Please get on with this. I don’t do tears.” Kristen sniffed.

Jacob winked and dropped to his knee. “Kristen, I love you. I’ve always loved you. Will you marry me?”

Kristen rolled her eyes and wiped her face with her free hand. “Of course, now stand up and put that ring on my finger already.”

Jacob did just what she said. Then he kissed her, lifting her off the ground.

Stacey watched as her brother and her best friend celebrated their love and their promise to one another. Only one thing could make this better, but right now, it wasn’t about her. The rest of the night, Stacey made lists of everything they needed to do in the thirteen days they had left and argued with Kristen about the small details. She ignored the texts coming in. Kristen and her brother were more important, and with her job, she had to take advantage of any spare time she had.

The next morning, Stacey and Kristen were up and out early.

The guys were going to wear their suits but were finally talked into buying new shirts and ties.

The girls were heading to the store. Kristen wasn’t going to wear a traditional wedding dress, but she did want a new white dress, with Stacey wearing the same style but in a different color. They needed to get the dresses and shoes picked out, they had an appointment at the bakery to choose the cake, and they had to find some simple invitations with a quick turnaround.

With two dresses and two pairs of shoes purchased, the girls headed to the bakery to meet the guys for the appointment with Desiree. They parked on the square and walked a few doors down to the bakery. The smell of fresh baked goods greeted them as soon as they opened the door. Desiree was expecting them and had some cake samples and the wedding cake book set out in the tasting room for them to enjoy.

“Hey. Is Jacob joining us?” Desiree hugged each girl as they entered the store and led them to the back.

“Yeah. He should be here any minute.” Kristen fell in the chair and stretched out. “I’m exhausted.”

Desiree brought them each a bottle of water. “How was dress shopping?”

“Exhausting.” Stacey took a big swig of the water. “It never ceases to amaze me how difficult this woman can be.”

“Hey, that’s my fiancé you’re talking about.” Jacob entered the tasting room.

Kristen jumped up at the sound of his voice. “I like the sound of that.” She smiled at him.

He greeted her with a kiss. “Me too. Did you find a dress?”

Kristen nodded.