Page 58 of Your Love is Enough

Desiree placed her hand on Stacey’s arm. “Stace, you okay?”

Stacey nodded, but it was a lie. She wasn’t okay. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she blinked rapidly to hold them back.

Desiree and Adler walked away.

She leaned on the side of Tristan’s truck, hidden from all the guests’ wandering eyes. Exhaustion filled her body as she willed the tears not to fall. Why didn’t he say anything? Seeing Dr. Hensley threw her off—she was his aunt. Stacey’s eyes traveled up his body and met his gaze.

He raked his hands through his hair, and emotion creased his face. Was it concern, guilt, or worry? She wasn’t sure.

“Tristan.” Her voice was thick, and a tear escaped from her eye.

He reached out and grasped her hands. The shock that ran through her didn’t warm her as usual, but made her feel sick.

He lied to her. She can handle a lot, but lying is not okay.

“Stace.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “I meant to say something today, but there wasn’t a good time.”

So many feelings swam around in her chest. Love. Frustration. Confusion. Hurt. Her heart was mush and falling apart.

Finally, she got her mind straight. “You know, last night when I said her name, that would have been a perfect time to let me know that the woman I was calling Dr. Bitchy was your aunt. Every time today, the fact she wanted to meet me came up, but you still said nothing. There were plenty of good times. You just decided it didn’t matter. It wasn’t important.” Her gaze finally grabbed his and held tight. “It would have just taken a few minutes of your precious time to pull me off to the side and tell me.”

Tristan’s gaze fell.

Her heart smashed against her chest. “I could tell there was something. There were times things seemed off.” She held her ground. “You thought of telling me a few times, didn’t you?” Her voice was soft.

She watched as Tristan’s stance changed. His shoulders went back. His head came up. “Stacey, it’s not a big deal. I didn’t tell you your doctor bitchy is my Aunt Eli. I should have. At first, I was surprised that anyone could see her like that. She’s the sweetest lady ever. She loves and cares for everyone. You said yourself that she got you the interview because you were the best nurse there. Maybe you should have listened to those words.” Tristan’s words became heated, and his features changed. “She must see something in you and wanted to help you get a better job at a better hospital.”

Her heart nearly thumped out of her chest. “Fine. Whatever. You still could have told me. Said something. If your aunt is as wonderful as you say she is, I think you would have stood up for her.” She froze. The silence hung in the air for a beat before she spoke again. Her voice was eerily calm. “This is probably what you and Adler were talking about in all your secret little intense conversations. Isn’t it?”

Tristan released her hands. His gaze became hard. “Yes. It was. I know how you are. I was trying to figure out how to tell you without you getting all bent out of shape about my aunt being one of the rich bitchy doctors that you hate so much. You made it difficult because of your ridiculous security issues.”

He just called what I feel ridiculous.She felt something crack inside her. “You think I’m ridiculous?” She could feel her eyes needed to spill, but she wouldn’t cry in front of a guy. “This is stupid. Take me home, Tristan.”

His eyes became small. “Take you home? Why? We haven’t eaten yet. Come on, Stacey. It’s just a misunderstanding. We can work it out.” He reached for her hands.

She jerked away from him and stomped to the passenger side and opened the door. Her eyes caught his. “Take me home. Now.” She climbed into the front seat, and he followed. He turned toward her, but she ignored him, choosing to stare out the window. He mumbled something under his breath as he turned the key in the ignition. She could make out a few curses and the word stupid.Whatever.

Finally, he pulled out, leaving tire marks in the grass.

The music rising from under the canopy slowly died away. So much for romantic dancing under the stars with the man of her dreams. Again, she found herself faced with the immaturity and self-centeredness of a rich man. This one, she hoped, was different. But as usual, he showed his true colors.

When it came down to it, all men were untrustworthy, egotistical, and selfish. Was it only last night she told him she loved him? Was it just this morning they made love here in the cab? That all seemed like a different life.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and sent a quick text to Kristen, letting her know that her plans had changed. She would be home and was on her way. She placed her phone back in her pocket, ignored it when it vibrated, and laid her head on the back of her seat to watch as the dark world passed by on the interstate.

What the hell happened tonight? How did they go from having an amazing time to that argument? Why didn’t he just tell the truth about Dr. Hensley?How would I have reacted if he did?She had no idea, and now it didn’t matter because she wouldn’t have the chance to find out. Her feelings were all knotted up, like a necklace forgotten on the bottom of a jewelry box. Impossible to straighten out.

Finally, they pulled into her driveway, and she reached for the handle, but his hand was on her arm and held her back. “Don’t leave, Stacey. Let’s talk this out.” His voice was soft and filled with emotion.

She froze, and when she breathed in, her breath was ragged. She closed her eyes.Get control. Don’t let him see how upset you are. Don’t give him the upper hand.

She had control again and turned and looked at him. Her gaze was empty. Her brows were up, waiting for him to talk. Waiting for him to say something worth listening to.

“You look like you’re done. You’ve made a decision.” Tristan’s voice was irritable. He was upset with her? “Am I not human? I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” His voice was harsh.

Stacey nodded. “You sound sorry.” Her words oozed with sarcasm.

Tristan let out a loud, frustrated breath, and his eyes were on the ceiling. “Don’t walk away from us, Stacey. I disappointed you; I messed up. I’m sorry. It happens in relationships.”