The bell chimed as Stacey opened the door. The boutique, as usual, was bustling with activity. Customers mingled about checking out the many items on the shelves and racks. Stacey’s senses were filled with the fruity scents and the color of the decorations and displays that filled every corner.

“Good morning, Stacey.” Elizabeth greeted her.

“Hey, Liz. What brings you up front?” She hasn’t worked in the front of the store for a while, as her job as assistant manager now entails working on the online store and purchasing items.

Elizabeth held up a finger, gesturing for Stacey to wait as she assisted another customer, then gave Stacey a hug. “Well, with Leila in the hospital with that adorable little girl of hers, I’m helping Mrs. Stanzel so she could get some time off.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been in.” Stacey looked around at the shelves of figurines, candles, and warmers. She started to look through the clothes. “You’ve really broadened the clothing choices. This stuff is great.”

“Thanks. With the online store, our merchandise has been selling quickly, so I’m able to add more styles to the inventory. I’m glad you like it.” Elizabeth went to check out some customers.

Stacey continued her browsing and found a lot of cute outfits. She decided on a cute jumper that she could wear with a pair of sandals, and a couple pairs of pants and some tops. Finally, her arms were full, and she was ready to go.

“Wow. Let me help you with that.” Elizabeth emptied her friend’s arms.

“Thanks.” Stacey felt as if a thousand pounds had been taken from her. She followed Elizabeth to the register. The bell on the door rang again as the last customer left, and Stacey stepped up to the counter.

“Are you getting all this?” asked Elizabeth.

“Yep, I think so. I’ve got a date tonight, and I’m not sure what to wear.”

Elizabeth’s eyes became wide as saucers. “A date, huh! Is it with Tristan? Are you finally done having phone sex and decided it’s worth your time to get to know him face-to-face?”

Warmth crept up her neck and into her cheeks. “Phone sex? Really?”

“Well, you are getting a little red.” Elizabeth joked. “Seriously though, I’ve known you for over a year and have yet to see you date a guy for more than a few weekends. Just the fact that you two have been talking this long says something.”

Elizabeth was right. She hadn’t dated anyone seriously since college, and Carl messed with her heart bad. He said he loved her and bought her lots of gifts but was messing around with many women behind her back. When she finally got the nerve to confront him about it, he accused her of not trusting him, dumped her hard, and spread lies about her in the process. She was humiliated and embarrassed. Since then, she dealt with trust issues, causing her to date different guys on and off, but whenever things seemed to get serious, she would dump him and move on or hold him at arm’s length, causing him to get bored and find someone else. Last summer, she started dating Steven, and after just a few weeks, she caught him out with someone else. That was it. She’d had enough.

Tristan, though. He’s so sweet and handsome and seems totally different. A smile slowly filled her face. “Yes. It’s Tristan.”

“Awesome. Finally going on a date. I guess you listened to us after all.” Elizabeth pushed into her friend’s shoulder. “It’s about time you really put yourself out there. A guy would be lucky to have you.”

She couldn’t deny there was some truth in what Elizabeth said, but Stacey just wrote it off as if the guy was ‘the one,’ she wouldn’t want to just throw him to the side. There would be something connecting them that she couldn’t explain. Stacey peeked from the corners of her eyes. “Actually, it’s our second date. We went to the movies. So, yes. I listened.”

“What? And you didn’t tell me?”

“I’ve been working and didn’t think about it when I saw you at the hospital.”

Elizabeth bagged Stacey’s purchases. “Well, look at you, with date number two.”

A smile was glued on Stacey’s face.

“And, with that smile, maybe it’ll last awhile.”

Stacey laughed. “Do you always become a poet when talking about couples?”

“Not usually, but maybe it’s a hidden talent.” Elizabeth wiggled her brow.

“Look, I know it’s early, and there’s no one else here, but I’d love to grab a sandwich and fill you in on some things. Can you get away?” Stacey was hoping the answer was yes. Elizabeth was always a good ear to talk to.

She nodded. “Actually, now’s a great time. Mrs. Stanzel will be in any minute. She said she’d pop in to give me my lunch break.”

At just that time, Barbara Stanzel, the owner of the boutique, walked through the door. Barbara was a petite lady, all of five-feet-one, with dark hair, which she wore short. She was sweet and well liked in the community and at the church she attended. “Good morning, everyone.” She smiled at Stacey. “Oh, and good morning, Stacey. I hope you’re finding everything you need.”

Stacey nodded. “Yes, ma’am. More than what I need, but I can’t say no to any of them, so I guess I’m taking them all.”

“Well, you can talk to my sales department manager. She has amazing taste when it comes to what fashions to carry.”