Page 87 of Your Love is Enough

She looked up into his eyes. Those smoldering, smoky gray eyes, and as usual, they took her breath away. Her voice came out in a whisper. “I missed you. I missed us. I’m so glad you’re here.”

Tristan peered down. She was wearing the necklace he gave her. He touched it. “It’s perfect with that dress. You look perfect in that dress.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “And thank you for showing up. I was scared you wouldn’t.”

“Thank you for asking me.” His hand went to her face.

His touch sent that familiar spark throughout her body. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He was here. With her. A tingle warmed her insides. He wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t perfect. It won’t always be easy, but a relationship with him was as perfect as it could be. They were great together. His love was all she needed. His love is enough for her, now and always.

She opened her eyes. She had to do whatever she could to get him back. “I’m sorry, Tristan. I’m sorry I put my insecurities from the past between us. What we have…had…is different. It was real.” She was so nervous. She had to get those butterflies to calm down. “I hope we can put our relationship back in the present. I hope we can give us another try.”

His hand held her face. “I’d like that.” Tristan’s thumb brushed gently across her jaw.

A weight lifted from her, and her eyes searched his smoky grays. She had missed those eyes. Her eyes flicked down to his lips. She missed those lips. She missed everything about him. Her heart skipped. Relax.

She licked her lips. “Can I kiss you?” She asked him. Not sure how much he wanted.

Their eyes held each other for a minute, then he answered her by leaning down and placing his lips gently on hers.

The butterflies in her stomach swarmed to life. The kiss was warm, sweet, deep, and perfect.

He was exactly what she needed.

Two years later

Stacey pushed herself out of bed. It felt like a truck rolled over her. She was exhausted from a long week at the hospital and really had to pee.

She traipsed into the bathroom, then to the kitchen.

The aroma of bacon pulled her forward. Her face lit up at the sight that met her eyes. Tristan was making breakfast, French toast, and bacon. He made the best French toast and knew it was her favorite.

He looked up from the stove as she entered, like he could sense her presence. “Hey, gorgeous.” He pulled a pan filled with the delicious doughy and eggy goodness from the oven and placed the bacon on a paper towel to drain.

There was already a glass of orange juice and a banana waiting for her as Stacey took a seat at the table. He is amazing. “What’s all this about?” Her face was lit up with joy.

Tristan placed a plate of food in front of her and kissed her lips before taking a seat. “Nothing at all. I just want to make sure you know how much I love you. You work hard and deserve this, and it’s going to be a busy day. You need to eat.”

They ate in silence, and Stacey couldn’t keep her eyes off him. They’ve been married for a little over fifteen months, and every day has been amazing, and it felt like time has stood still. He looked up, their eyes met, and the crease appeared in his cheek. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Even after two years, he still had that effect on her. She left her place at the table and went to sit in his lap.

“What are you doing, Mrs. Calhoun?” He wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Just needing to be near you, my handsome husband.” She placed her lips on his, and quickly their kiss intensified.

He moaned as he pulled away from her. “I’d love to do this all day, but you know your brother and Kristen will be here soon. We need to get dressed and look a little decent.”

“You’re right.” She dropped a peck on his cheek. “I can’t wait to tell everyone the news.”

Tristan’s hand went to her belly. In the yoga pants she was wearing, you could scarcely make out the start of a baby bump.

They’ve been trying for a while to get pregnant, and it finally happened, but decided to wait until the first trimester was over before they told anyone. “I can’t wait to tell Kristen and Jacob. Thank you for letting us tell them first.”

“Of course,” answered Tristan. “They’re your family. My aunt and uncle can wait a little longer. It will do Aunt Elie good. God, she’s going to die.”

Stacey chuckled as she started clearing the table. “You’re not kidding.”

“Here. I’ve got this.” He nudged her away from the sink. “You go get ready.”

“Okay, thanks.”